I honestly think the advanced ones were okay. Battle Frontier (when they changed the voices) was good as a season, I just disliked the voices. Sinnoh was okay, it was pretty mature, but Unova was just awful. They completely butchered team Plasma.
I honestly think that Gen I is overrated. I preferred Johto the most, but that's because Ash surpassed Gary. He beat his rival, and to this day, I wonder if he would have been worse off if he hadn't lost after beating him.
Natalie was rather speechless. She assumed everyone was out (poor mistake on her part: knowing her own luck, she should have figured someone was bound to be around to potentially call her out on her "drama"). She said goodnight to Alex and curled up in her bed. She'd apologize to... To... Oh crap what was her name? Whatever, she'd apologize to her tomorrow. Not that it would work, people just seemed to be against her lately; if it was the people she cared about, why would someone she barely knew be any different? She'd probably say "screw it" and end up messing with the room arrangements then sleep on Bianca's floor or something. She was pounding away at her own thoughts before she lost track and fell asleep.
No but seriously can this be locked? It gave me inspiration for a Detective Kirigiri story so I don't need this thing anymore.
"...No, no, Alex... I'm sorry... I'm just too drunk to reason properly... I'm... REALLY sorry about this all... Can we just... Meet tomorrow when I'm not feeling so bad and can actually think? I mean, I AM upset and all... But right now I'm just going too far... And uh, text me tomorrow to remind me. I'll probably forget." She felt awful. He really was trying. She gave him a long hug, and didn't want to let go. In truth, her real problem was with Estelle, not Alex. So why should she take it out on him? "I'm... Really, REALLY sorry babe..."
Natalie sighed. "You really DO prefer Estelle, eh?" She said sadly. She stood up, eye to eye with him, then gave him a sharp slap across the face. "Why NOT take advantage of me physically!? You ALREADY took advantage of my emotions when you and my best friend whored around! "What do I have to do to get you to like me!? I went off and planned this date for you! To show you I'm still interested, and you won't even fucking accept my advances!" Natalie sat on the bed and cried into her hands. This was all going badly. It was probably her fault again. "When is it MY turn to have fun..?"
Natalie giggled. "Okay. Come to my room. I... Want to do something for you. I think... It's about time I showed you what a REAL woman does with her man." She packed up the picnic then chugged a bit more of the wine before shoving the bottle in the basket. Natalie took Alex's hand and led him to her cabin. "We'll have to be quiet... Cel likes her beauty sleep and the other one is kind of a bitch. Unless she's not around, in which case we'll still have to look out for Cel. She unlocked the door and put the basket in the corner before jumpin onto the bed and kicking off her shoes. She looked up at Alex and giggled. "Like what you see? Your poor little girlfriend on the bed. Drunk, and definitely in he mood for it." She punctuated that "it" with a wink.
"Well I mean you don't have to, but I can definitely trust you not to try and have your way with me, right? Even if I get on my knees and beg and say I want it soooo much." Natalie flipped onto her belly and looked up at him, supporting her chin on her elbows. "You know, I really like your eyes." She said, "I wonder... If we have kids, will they have eyes like yours?" And so, after a couple of hours of eating, Nat had consumed about half the bottle of wine by herself and was getting really giggly and red faced. "Holy shit! I have sand in my bra!" She said with a loud snorting giggle. "Aleeeex" Natalie whined playfully, "Reach in and get the sand out! No wait I'm kidding." Instead, she herself indecently put her hand down there and pulled it a bit aways from her chest, effectively dumping it out. "That's better!" She exclaimed, laughing and falling into his lap and staring up at him. "Wow... I love your eyes!" She say up immediately, "Oh! I have a question!" Natalie gave a small giggle, "okay, be prepared." She took a breath, then asked; "Who kisses better? Me, or Estelle?" Natalie said, not angry, but rather finding it laughable that her boyfriend and best friend had shared a kiss. "We can like, make out or some shit so I can show you I'm better, and stuff."
Natalie stared at Alex eating, attempting to make it seem like she was interested in him more than Estelle could ever be. She could just throw herself at him and kiss him, then forget about the world. In her head, it seemed like a good idea. In action... It might have made him choke on the sandwich he was eating. Instead, she thought of something else to do, and remembered the wine. "Say, would you like a drink? My roommate packed some wine," she said with a short giggle, "She's probably hoping you'll treat me right and not do anything... Regrettable. Of course, it really wouldn't be regrettable for either of us, would it?" Natalie leaned in and poked his nose with her finger before giggling again.
I was muttering those profanities too ;)
Give it an everstone and it'll pass its ability to the baby.
Getting a guarantee you'll be able to get one on release week since this is a high demand game. I mean, it's KHIII. Unless you live in a town where like 3 people play video games, you won't get it on release day/week unless you preorder.
You're not really in any place to tell him, because you do this all the time bro. No offense, but that's really hypocritical. (I tell you this because I'm your friend so I won't be a dick about it)
She is Kyouko Kirigiri from Danan Ronpa.
Late but this is Kirigiri. Not Maizono.
Oh the irony.
Natalie opened up the basket. "You know, I'm not sure! One of my cabin mates packed this for me." She pulled out various sandwiches, some pasta, potato salad, and she noticed wine in there for whatever reason. She'd save that for later. Natalie set up the stuff on the blanket and began to eat a sandwich. "Well, dig in! It is our dinner after all!" She said.
Then we won't meet..? Intriguing...
One last question... Has the timeline become fixed? Is it meant to stay this way forever?