Have my babies
I would, definitely.
Reserving: Furisode Girl Katherine (Pokémon XY)[DOUBLEPOST=1385265758][/DOUBLEPOST]Also reserving: Furisode Girl Linnea (Pokemon XY)
Not even in Japan would a girl that young have the boobage Rosa does.
But you're like 16 in Black 2
How could you be such an incessant prick? Next to me, Amaury's probably had the hardest time with this battle, and doesn't have the same skill as you
Ooh, thanks! Now I can enjoy it in the comfort of my own house xD
Anyone have a link to a stream of the 50th? Preferably one that works on a phone, although I'm willing to go to the library just for this ****.
"Well maybe he would have helped more if you guys had focused on support instead of pure hate. Hate's bad." Flora said as she got up. She dusted herself off. "Look guys, I like you and all, but hate is NOT the way to get stuff done. Example A being Shan-Yu. Guy's full of hate, and what did he get? His butt handed to him by a bunch of teenagers." She turned to see Shang coming out of the palace doors. "Mulan here kinda beat the bad guy. She didn't need anyone's help, to be honest." Flora rubbed the back of her head," She turned back to her teammates, giving them a 'Just go with it and swallow your pride for once' look. "She saved China!"
Edited because I recalled everything I enjoy. Also added a character to the Super Dangan Ronopa 2 section.
First impressions? Current impressions?
Added my OTPs to my post~
~Temporal Tower~ "But we can't wait!" Rikku said, "Oswin is still stuck under the tower! She needs help!" Rikku reminded everyone for the umpteenth time, potentially annoying them (although she didn't know that). "Hmph. If Yunie were here, we'd have already been in and we'd rescue Oswin in a flash." She crossed her arms. ~Avia~ "If there's anything that I've learned in my travels, it's that big spooky things tend to make little spooky things. Chances are, this puppy is exactly what we've been looking for." Link scratched behind his ear. "Ugh, why is it that becoming a Lupine always leaves me with fleas? Good goddesses..." Midna giggled. "Link, you were the one who didn't want the collar..." "...You've had a flea collar ALL THIS TIME!?" "Yeah." Midna said, holding it up. "...Can we just go see the rock?" Link asked with massive exasperation.
Please address this to Hector or The Hero of Time. Even HoT if you so wish. Thank you kindly. Anime Video Games TV Shows/Other Shows Music Movies Other OTPs Dangan Ronpa: The Animation (Celestia Ludenberg, Kyouko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sayaka Maizono, Junko Enoshima, Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho) VividRed Operation (Momo, Akane, Aoi, Himawari) Digimon (Mimi Tachikawa, Lillymon, Hikari Kamiya, Angewomon, TK Takeshi, Angemon) Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Celestia Ludenberg, Kyouko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sayaka Maizono, Junko Enoshima, Touko Fukawa/Genocider Sho) Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Farewell Despair Academy (Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Chiaki Nanami) Final Fantasy (Lightning Farron, Stella Nox Fleuret, Yuna, Tifa Lockhart) Pokemon (Charizard (and Megas), Yveltal, Xerneas, Chesnaught, Greninja, Braxien, Espurr, Female Meowstic, Absol (and Mega especially), Mawile (and Mega), Roserade, Gardevoir, Gallade Malva, Serena, Leaf The Legend of Zelda (Link, Zelda, Malon, Princess Agitha) The World Ends With You (Neku Sakuraba, Shiki Misaki, Joshua) RWBY (Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong, Cinder) Doctor Who (Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald, Oswin Oswald, Clara Oswin Oswald, Amy Pond) Achievement Hunter/RoosterTeeth (ALL OF THEM THEY ARE AMAZING PEOPLE<3333) Chameleon Circuit Vocaloid (Luka, MAIKA, Miku Hatsune) RWBY Music Cryoshell The World Ends With You Soundtrack The Hunger Games The Avengers Harry Potter Brave, Tangled, The Little Mermaid, basically any Disney movie that isn't Beauty and the Beast or Pocahontas Amazing Spider-Man Bionicle (Toa Mahri are my favorites) White Rose (Ruby RosexWeiss Schnee) Bumblebee (Blake BelladonnaxYang Xiao Long) Naegiri (Makoto NaegixKyouko Kirigiri)
"You're nothing but an imbecile! Why the hell is this worthy to be in the spam zone!? I can't even begin to fathom why the HELL anyone cares about such stuff as this! It's so pathetic and I just don't know with you ididots anymore!" "But really Amaury, why should we care? Unless it affects my castle and my servants, then it shouldn't be a big deal." "Well, I should say, unless it affect profiles themselves, we shouldn't care. Forgive my egotistical yammering from before." "Now who wants to play some cards?"
If you need ANYTHING. Ask. I can likely hook you up.
Sorry, I had dinner. Name is Hector. Character's name is Kai.
Heeeeeeyyyyy pluuuuums Are you getting Pokemon X/Y soon? I need more people to battle with :v
Because swords and hot girls! And anime!
What's your friend code? Mine's 4983-6333-6358