If the weapon is connected to the power (like Bumblebee's blasters) then it's okay to have both, but otherwise it's one or the other. And yes, you...
I'll fix some other things.
Please fix your grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Right now, it's too hard to read.
Right, I get it. ^^ However, there will be some attacks too strong for you to reflect (such as Starfire's eye-Starrays).
leon47, please use proper grammer and spelling. Also, you need more detail with the abilities, weakness, and the background; it's vague and unclear.
"I'm sure there's a room available in our building," Mia put in. "I don't know if there's enough room in just our little room." "I'll ask the two-legger up at the desk when we get there," Lucca said.
Okay, it looks like I've got to add another rule. AmericanSephiroth, watch your grammar (it's a pet peeve of mine). How about instead of absorbing others' energy attacks, you redirect them? That gives the same kind of effect, but it puts limitations. Xakota, very nice detail. I like that a lot. You're in. (I actually kind of like the headband. ^^) Friendly_Heartless, good detail. You're in too.
The powers are still too much. Either remove flying or teleportation. Background means the background/bio of the character.
OOC: *goes to edit the rules* No nudity allowed here folks. logical newcomer: WTF? but... but... it's a mermaid thread... Me: Huh... that does raise a problem. Nudity allowed. Newcomer: mah char shall be nakey Me: Uh... Looks like I gotta edit again. Nudity allowed in proper places. Newnewcomer: So like... lower half or upper half? Me: Doh! >< *edits rules... again* There. Newnewnewcomer: "nudity is only okay when i say so"... When the hell is that? Me: I quit. BIC: "Very well, we'll stay one more day," Lucca caved. I'll have to find something for them to sleep on. The floor and couch won't do. "Yay!" Mia hugged Sakura. She was glad that she'd get a chance to show Sakura and Grace around a bit. But moreso, she was glad to stay for another day of school; and another day of Nicholas.
"My apologies," Lucca began, ignoring his sister's remark. He kept his tone pleasant, though he didn't at all like it that Nicholas had been around the two Princesses. "I've tried to be as unnoticeable as possible, but my sister has attracted some attention. Now that you two are here, we can leave." "Wait, what?" Mia said quickly. "What do you mean leave? There no where in the seas we can go to without being caught. If you think we can rescue the others, there's no chance of that. We're too few against too many. Lucca, we can't leave here. Not yet." "You only want to stay because of that foul two-legger," Lucca didn't sugar coat the point. He wanted away from Nicholas as soon as possible. There was more that he didn't like about that boy than just his flirtatiousness.
Woah woah woah.... Who raped who and why wasn't I involved??
Lucca cleared his throat awkwardly. He knew it was improper for him to return the hug, so he gently and kindly pryed himself away from Grace. "How long have you been here, Princess Grace?" "Don't be so uptight, Lucca," Mia scolded with a smile. She got up and helped Sakura to her feet. "We're all friends."
Beatrice ignored Michael's command. "Don't be scared, Carl." She said as she extended her hand to him. Michael didn't chance the situation getting any worse. In half the time it takes to blink your eye, he was next to Beatrice, holding her arms behind her back. "Let it go, Beatrice." He whispered into her ear. "Don't let this control you. We need your help. We can't... I can't do this without you." "It's too much," Hannah groaned. She could hear Edward's heartbeat; Van Helsing's moving heartbeat; Carl's heartbeat in the barn, quickened by fear. Then, the idea coming to her suddenly, she bit down on her tongue. The blood was her own, but it was just enough to take her mind off feeding. "Sorry." She murmured. "I still don't know if I can go out there."
AmericanSephiroth, thanks for reading the rules. However, I'd like you to use the layout that I've given for OCs. And I think it'd be best if he didn't have so many abilities. Please limit it to three. (I'll add that to the rules.) Also, I can't see pictures on the computer I'm on right now. You can leave that picture, but (just for now) could you put a description there for me? Thanks.
OOC: Le gaspeth! I didn't rate this? ...... Oh well. Common sense will save us! BIC: Nicholas could tell that he wasn't exactly warmly welcomed to come along. He watched the two go, taking a quick look at their behinds, and then turned around and headed back for his car. "P-Princess Sakura?" Mia giggled with surprise. "Princess Grace," Lucca addressed the calmer one. He placed his right arm across his chest and bowed; it was a formality he hadn't forgotten. When he stood straight again, he added, "I'm glad to see you are both unharmed."
Thankies for that Asterisk. Looks like you'll be my second in command for this RP too. ^^ I actually got the idea for this when the show starting airing again. I had a dream about Terra, one where she was able to come back and still have her powers and some memories. I wrote that dream down and evolved it to this. pyroKyle, I didn't even know that you put up a Titans thread. But I'll go check it out if you want me to. Also, pyroKyle, if you still want to be a part of this RP, please go read the rules. Scrubbing Bubbles, yes you can have Raven. =) kingdomhearts530, you can have Starfire. =) I put up a list of episodes so you can check that out if you want to. The 5th (and last) season was pretty epic. I'm not quite sure if I'm going to play into any of that, but I might. I'll fill you in (or someone else will if I'm not on) if you need it. I should let you all know now that my life is a little hectic. I'm a lead, an understudy for another lead, and part of the ensemble of the upcoming musical at my school. We open in less than a month. I'm also trying to get some money for Anime Banzai, which is in two weeks. And I've got homework and other normal kid stuff to do. So please forgive me if I'm not on very often until the second week of November.
This was a bit of a rushed effort. ^^' It's been lying on my mind for a few weeks now, so I decided to post it today. =) I get out of school early on Wednsdays so I had some free time this afternoon. =D Sure, I'll put you down as Beast Boy. ^.^
An OC? Coolio. x)
Care to join? ^^
Nicholas looked around for Mia and Lucca. "Over there," He pointed. The two of them were standing on the sand, just out of reach of the waves. "Want me to go along?"