Slade as Batman... *shivers* Poor Robin just might go crazy... >< Yeah, I saw. I didn't expect that.
lol I never did, but that's a pretty good theory. xD How twisted would that be? xD
Ooh, family is always good. Robin's a good example of that. =]
"Titans," Robin addressed his friends after a while of silence. "We all fully know the risks we're taking by doing this. I'm confident that nothing that's unfixable will happen. I..." He drifted off. For the first time in a long time, Robin was at a loss for words. He could feel the tension swirling with excitement; and it made for a very uneasy combination. What more could he say? Everything laid on the outcome of the next few minutes. There was a small blip on the T-car's radar, but it vanished quickly. That was enough of a distraction for Robin. He looked in the review mirror and then turned around to look out the back window. He couldn't see anything. "Cyborg, can you modify the radar to see what that was?" He asked. OOC: lulz post 50 XD
Yeah, I noticed that part. =} I'm looking forward to where his path will lead.
lulz... Marluxia... XD
OOC: Okay, Kme92's OC has been posted on the first page. Go check it out, guys. ^^ BIC: Once in the car and traveling, Robin snuck at look at Beast Boy. He, Starfire, and Raven were crammed into the back seat, while Robin and Cyborg sat up front with Cyborg driving. Robin could see the mixed emotions on Beast Boy's face. He himself was also feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. There were several things that could go wrong. Robin tried not to think about those things.
First off, pay attention to rule #15. I'll put you down at Mas y Menos and Jericho. Intro!!! “Beast Boy, Starfire,” it was Robin who called out the Titan’s names, coming into the rather large union room. He, along with Raven and Cyborg, had been holed up for the past two months straight. They’d been trying to find some sort of cure for Terra. With all that had been happening, there just hadn’t been any time otherwise. “Boo yeah, baby!” came Cyborg’s cheerful cry. “We’ve done it,” Even Raven showed a little happiness. “Let’s go see Terra.” “Oh, joyful news!” Starfire exclaimed, spiraling upwards. “When can we leave?” While Starfire prattled about all of the things to do, Beast Boy stood silent, mouth open. Were they serious? Could he really… Was he really going to see Terra again? “Beast Boy?” Robin questioned quietly, standing by his fellow Titan as the others talked. “Is everything okay? I thought you’d be happy.” “I just… can’t believe it,” Beast Boy murmured. “I have to warn you, though,” Robin began. “There could be some… side effects.” “Side effects?” Beast Boy repeated, worried now. “We’re not sure what they’ll be. But we do know that she’ll physically be fine,” Robin tried to sound assuring. “Except for the… uh, ‘normal’ effects of being frozen in stone.” “Yeah, that sounds great,” Beast Boy sighed with no enthusiasm. “We’ll take care of her, Beast Boy,” Robin put his hand on Beast Boy’s shoulder. “Hey, y’all, what are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Cyborg wind-milled one arm towards the door. “We can take the T-car.” “And then to the park to enjoy the candy of cotton!” Starfire was still dreaming up plans. She was the first to follow Cyborg to the T-car.
LilBueno, of course you're in! :D Kme92, there's a list on the front page. For now, the max amount of characters you can have is three. Awesome! Now as soon as I finish/put up the intro post...
Ooh, tepermental is he? xD
We can start as soon as I post the intro post. ^^ That'll probably be in a few minutes.
The Joker, you're accepted. =) The intro post will be up within the next hour at the most. And one final stressment: PLEASE pay attention to rule #15.
leon47, fix your grammar mistakes. And Xakota does have a point.
"Do you want some help?" Mia asked Sakura. "Right then. We'll figure out where we'll sleep," Lucca said, mainly to himself.
I hope that's sarcasm. O.o
Okay, I can wait. I busy most of the time anyways. ><
Yes it is. I'll add that to layout. Thanks for reminding me.
Sorry, I don't. =( you can e-mail me at
I consider late to be about 10 pages through.
Oooh, lemme see! Lemme see! :D