I hope everything gets better for you two~ Anyways, I like your avatar. It's pretty awesome.
That should be epic. I think I'll have Lily's introduction post up, by tonight.
Yeah, most likely. Minato is played by Bushy, right?
Aw. That's terrible. That must be hard. :/
Okay finished. (I ate supper so don't make fun of how long it took. >:c) Moka is sad. :'c
"Outer" Moka could only stare, as Zasalamel's motionless, dead body fell onto the ground. "Zassy!" She ran beside him and dropped onto her knees. She was crying into his shirt. Even though Moka had just met him she was taking it really hard; he had saved her, so why wouldn't she be sad?
Oh. I am sorry to hear that.
Nah, I knew that. I have been reading most of the latest posts. I just was not sure if I missed something regarding Moka's whereabouts. EDIT:...
If you don't mind me asking, why did you have to go to the psychiatrist?
Isn't she on the Kaibamobile? I think I missed something...
"Inner" Moka nodded. She turned towards the Dark Pieces and gently placed Kokoa onto the ground. "Time for you all to realize your place!" She then ran at them high-kicking and punching them with ease. "This is too easy. I expected a challenge." "Kokoa-Sama! Kokoa-Sama! Wake up!" Nazo (Kokoa's bat/weapon) was bumping Kokoa, so she would get up. Finally, Kokoa got up, slowly, but surely. "Ugh... what happened? She was holding her head. "Chuu~ You were knocked out, desu." Kokoa then took notice of Ichigo and Moka fighting. "Moka-Oneesama is fighting? Her eyes lit up and sparkled. "Yay~ Okay Mr. Kou, let's help out! With that, Nazo flew into Kokoa's hand and he turned into a spiked bat. Kokoa rushed in and was crushing the Dark Pieces with her weapon, while at the same time she was watching her dearest Moka fight.
Oh. That's not fun at all. Dx
[FONT="Tahoma]Seems legit. username: Krown age: 13 (14 next month) ;__; your favorite type of food: Lollipops your favorite movie: Love them all. your favorite hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, drawing and some sports. how would you fight off a zombie uprising? Using Maggy. Why do you love Maggy? Because she loved me first. How long have you loved Maggy? The minute I was born. Love Maggy long time? Definitely. ♥ Why do you think you should win? Because Maggy loves lolis. Why should Maggy be in love with you? Cause I am a cute loli. How would you court Maggy (win Maggy's heart for n00bs who don't understand what court means)? I'll use my loli charm. Maggy says her favorite novel of all time is "Twilight". What do you do? Kill her. Maggy wants to go to a fancy resturant for a date. Where do you take her? Burger King, of course! [/FONT]
For now? Is something going to happen?
How is everything going?
Lol, I am sorry.
I just found one... it's... strange.
Lol, yes. I have been invisible for about two months straight.
I wonder if that's a song. If not we should make it one.
Pick me please! o;