Just washed dish's for 24 dollars. And my gf dumped me thats it, not much else.
I know poor Axel just wanted his friend
I know some chosen one he was!
Fine, I guess. You?
Hey yo hola aye
hey homeboy
Hey amiga what you doin chika
I know it sucked. He sacrificed himself for Sora.
Hellz yeah!! Everyone should he's sick!
....Hmmmm......Nuthin so howssss schoooolll....
I got in the head it was funny... Long time ago. So what is new?
I remember it hailed here. like once. I had to bring the dogs in... They looked terrified
Like break your window?
Why ?
Haha I love storms there awesome [IMG]
Raining ?
Yeah so whats up wth you.
.... K, I quit.
its cool my internet messed up.. or something
Three days or so ago. .......