It's all good. I'm just alitle pissed. So what are you up to?
just sick of b*itches tryin act hard. Pisses me off!!
Mmmmm I got into a fight at school... As*hole >,>
Well, now it's like 4:00 pm.
Well, sorry dude, I didn't know you'd be offended by that. sorry.
What ?
Aaawww ='\ Jk latez
Nah I was on Deuce facebook. But aighht g'night
Jaden Yuki! Yuki Yuki Yuki.... That was any echo so you know
........ Really?
i might .
*Shoots you twice*
Hey whats up?
if you say I'm two again I gonna shoot you
I take like 30 min showers
Hey whats up adam.
ok then.....
what the **** is Xd that
.....? Shuddup