Ohhh yea with tifa huh?
Maybe I'm the random one >>
You arn't pft as if.
Am I? Or are you?
Say what that I like to sit in a tub of V8 and..... *cough*
it was supposed to ;D
I didn't know that would be a real like sorry. But yee I get it aaallll now, thanks.
Oh not like VM? Like "Oh yee, you can also hit me up on here http://www.blahblahblah.net/ for more chat." Not like that?
Mmm yea I luv V8 all over my body
Quit not dumping V8 on you?? Ok *dumps V8 again*
Oh yee, I know you are I saw Luxord. But I was wonderin if it was.
Ok.... I like water. xD dumps V8 on you
Ain't it against the rules to advertise sites?
*dumps V8 on you* Hahaha yes
I will fooorrccee you to drink it now!!!!
You shoulda had a V8....<,<
....... *pushs lightly*
..... =\.... =|.... =)