Not falling through the floor, not getting BSOD, i think. search under this thread "gummi" and some codes should come up be patient.
... Demyx, but after you got the hang of using fire, he was okay. Apart from that, the pirates guy which had to be magicked on. arggh.
He's cool And his fire makes people warm and fuzzy, deep down inside.
Roxas theme, because it's awesome.
... I think that is the final version.
Chicken Rice. And, yes, it's chinese.
KH2, because, Sora, is so much powerful, more complex interactions with characters, and the storyline is just epic. Of course, they also have data battles.
Japanese FTW.
haha i once got it to work, but i cant remember how. :( I want it too.
I'm not sure whether a thread has already been made, So, post everything about how H1N1 is affecting you, your schools/workplace, how you cope with it, whether you have contracted H1N1. My school has shut down due to this choir going to USA, coming back here, and infecting the school. There have been 9 reported cases already, and my school has shut down last Thursday. They reopen for the last day of school, which is this Friday (my school is British). So, now, i'm stuck at home with a fever, but no flu, cough, or sore throat. For that I am grateful :)
Good friends, who lend each other support in times of need. Maybe it'll evolve into something else, but i doubt it, as Xion is really Sora, and that would be.... kinda awkward.
Roxas, for being cool Sora, because he has forms, and loads of abilities, such as magnet splash, and zantuzen roxas, because he weilds 2 keyblades faster than sora can weild one.
Hmm, choose strength and give up magic :)
nice, i like the close up face the best.
26th of June.
it's okay, but i mean... Donald, Goofy? somehow, their presence seems to make most of the game kinda comicky. so, it's obvious that in KH, nobody dies. except bad guys.
Lea. Thats kinda cool. I wonder what Demyx's real name is. It would be funny to know.
True true.
Not sure about this, but maybe the mushrooms give some items? not sure whether they're the mushroom or normal items.
Well, you could use the shortcut mod to get "The End" in your shortcut. Then, when he does his light ball things, using it will cause him to shoot all of them, then freezing, thus enabling you a free combo at him. He also will still have his keyblades, which is a good thing, as they are easier to defend against. You will also gain his keyblades. So, in effect, there's 5 keyblades in play :) To get the shortcut mod, search under this thread for shortcut mod, somebody should have posted it before.