i'm not sure, but for many people's weapons (demyx, axel) they seem to represent their souls, because of their elements However, things like xemnas's blades dont really correspond.
Cannablism is a culture, but this is sick. It almost seems ritualistic. Ugh. This is horrible, and i feel bad for the baby. :(
Sorry, no emulator talk on forum.
wow, thats really cool :) I wish I could draw like that. Oh well, I like the shading along the pen the best. It makes it stand out, and the light falls correctly onto the pen. :)
Beat him up, fly away, use ether, come back, dodge his attacks, beat him up some more, rinse and repeat. Or, get beaten up by him loads of times, just to see how he fights, and then counter appropriately. And use Aeroga as well. Just to be safe :)
I beat KH2FM+ with everything, keyblades, magics, worlds, data bosses, Terra, Materials, but i Still have to get a few puzzle pieces, and mushroom materials. FAIL.
Now that i think about it, sephiroth or Demyx. Sephiroth because he was unpredictable, and annoying Demyx, because his clones are annoying.
yes. It is medicinal, and therefore should be allowed everywhere. Since medical clinics use it, everybody should use it.
No it's not. I was first introduced to KH 2 years ago. It was fun. I still find it fun. Ergo, it is not wrong. :)
KH2 Ultima FTW. It looks really painful, and good damage and stuff.
Anti-Form or Limit Form. Zanzusken is so powerful.
... How is that possible?
KH2FM, Critical Mode, Limit Cut Xemnas, final form, with Riku, While Sora is being "absorbed" and Riku takes HUGE amounts of damage when he gets hit. Gah.
True, true But Influenza can be contracted by air as well... And people have proven that the masks (the paper ones) do not work So we would all have to get gas masks to make a clean, no-infection airspace for us to breathe in :(
The one at the start, which has a heart.
Sob your heart out. You feel better after that :)
Reading you learn something from that.
I thought all the "germs" are white blood cells which reside in the bloodstream, which help kill bacteria. The skin is a form of protection, which if comes in contact with someplace wet, such as your mouth or a cut which is wet, then might be bad for you.
Something bad will happen. Example: Game: Prototype.
KH2 FTW. Honestly, drives, nobodies, XIII Organisation, better graphics, better codes. Just KH2.