My friends made Adam Lambert, a gay butler, and two fat chicks (who were lesbian), who's personalities were snobs and flirty. And eventually made them all whoo hoo with the same gender.
:/gasp: :/gasp: :/gasp: I don't want to die of lack of blood circulation.
Pink is a man's colour. I vote it for normal member :rockdover:
Can I be the wedding coordinator?
same :( Im not looking forward to it.
I see. Who's the best man?
Pretty close. 19.
Person who doesn't know how to play. Properly.
So that means that Sora never gets a full bar of health? And yet his health goes down quite slowly? Intresting.
I wish I could say yes. But, no.
I feel so old now.
17. I see.
After the struggle weapons, don't you recieve the power of the warrior/magician/defender? from the three weapons which are also called the dream sword, staff and shield? Just curious.
15. Has anybody actually got to 300 before?
33. Just to sound cool.
What's it about? As in an RPG or something?
Yippie. 30.
That was cool. I want one for my screensaver.
I just move forward, then time dark aura just before he uses his shield. But that method's kinda tricky, because it needs exact timing. Oh well.
lol maybe it's a publicity stunt to gain popularity or something. Although, I don't think that many kids will actually read the news/hear it so, i guess maybe nothing will happen.