By looking at it in the game shop. Laughing at the ridiculous key. Coming back to buy it because i was bored.
The background is cool, i like the use of the colours and the blues, white and black. However, the writing is slightly too small to see :( And the render doesn't really fit, because a white outline is there. Hope this helps.
Another 610 posts. and loads of rep. :/gasp:
How do you remember how to spell your username?
I'd take all the beavers. Then, send them to britain and make them eat everything wood.
:lolface: but they've always come through :)
look at cin and pyro.
33414 huh? that thread seems fine.
He's not doing bullshit. He's doing **** like all of us do. Just different ****.
Skittles and Cin have the same number of votes, same percentage. :/gasp:
Carey. He has made dozens of codes. They. Are. All Cool :rockdover:
:D or make him wear this: :/gasp:
and :lolface:
obviously kick him in the balls. then smash him in with a keyblade.
Is it sorta like a facebook chat?
I have harry potter uno cards. They are cool.
Masochist. Sadist.
loooool xDD
This did'nt come out right.
I imagined that with braces, but okay.