either Tidus orrrrrrrrrrr... Snake. Solid Snake. Or perhaps Luigi. Maybe Ike. Probably Ike. Ike rocks. Ladedadeda... OH C'MON EVERYBODY LIKES IKE! JUST LISTEN TO THE FANS!!!!: *fans* "WE LIKE IKE! WE LIKE IKE! WE LIKE IKE!" See there ya go. as a matter of fact there's a lot of game chars I'd like to be. Well I'll leave it at that for now.
Traverse Town! Yay! g8yaGFDYUIEDBRQIGUVBREOFYVB9078 365483792H7V65CT90N!!1@@@%#524135265@%WY%$UREdfgYUGH Whoah! what the hell was that! uhoh. HACKERS!!!!! *jumps out 3 story window*
Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who needs combo plus? Just use Rising Sun and Sparkle Ray. espesicially Sparkle Ray. That takes out like 50 enemys at once.
Xigbar is my *thinks hard* 3rd favorite Organization member. Why? Because he pwns. Still why? Because he has a rockin' catchphrase. Still asking why? Then your an idiot.
Wow I guess this must be good if you guys all like it. Well then on to the next part!!! _______________________________________________________________________________________ Roxas flew around using a newfound ability with his wings. He tried to confuse him but to no avail. They clashed several times causing large spurts of energy that ruptured the air around them. After pushing Roxas back towards the ground and thouroughly wearing him out he said: "Tsk tsk. And I thought you might be the one. Perhaps I just didn't give you a big enough dose of the serum. Oh by the way if you haven't relized this yet I'm a member of the 8 Elementals. Wind the Healer. That's me." He chuckled slightly. "You're a monster!" Namine yelled at him. "Correction. Not a monster, a Keyzen." "Key-what?" Roxas asked, confused. "A Keyzen. An artificial Keyblade wielder created by Renzo. All of us are." The boy explained seeming proud. Why? Why would he be proud not to be human? "Well whatever you are you're going down!" Roxas said flying at him again and preparing for a long battle. _______________________________________________________________________________________ As Sora appeared out of the dark, purpleish black portal, he found himself in a jungle-like area. Axel rubbed the back of his head embarresed. "Woops... Guess I was a little off." He said. "Well where should we have been?" "See that castle in the distance? Where all the energy bursts are coming from?" Axel asked pointing. "And for the last time it's Lae. "Ohh yeah." Sora replied now seeing the castle. "And right. I'll be sure to call you Lae." "Well c'mon slowpoke we've gotta help Roxas." Axel said walking quickly away. "Hey wait up!" Sora said running after him. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Man I've got to make this longer. ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
Yeah I said I was like 24
Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then I guess I'll go next. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Roxas was pumped up! He was ready to beat down anyone that came his way when suddenly he got hit on the head really hard. He turned around to see a big blue hedgehog behind him. "Sonic's the name, speed's my game." It said looking confident. Roxas wasn't worried. He had heard there were tons of challengers other then Sora and the rest of them. So he calmly drew his keyblades and they proceded into battle. "Meanwhile Captain Falcon was busy locked deep in a fight with another challenger...
Has no sense of humor. I'm serious.
*fights to the death with random guy* Are you entertained now?
Walking straight outside once again skipping breakfast Eddy took a stroll outside with Rico. He was thinking about what to do when his head started to hurt. He couldn't understand why and fell on the ground and screamed. It was pounding at his head. He promptly passed out. Rico was scared out of his mind. Eddy had collapsed for no apparent reason. He bit through his collar and began to run towards the school. He knew the other people who lived with his master would help.
Well I havn't but my bro has.
I'd say other. I mean come on obviously the best would be Muffin Man!
Eddy's alarm clock woke him up at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. He hit the snooze button so hard it almost broke the clock. He sat up and yawned. On Saturdays he liked to sleep in and usually didn't get up until around 12:00. He put on a pair of jean shorts, black sneakers, a dark blue T-shirt, and a grey/black striped sweatshirt. "I wonder what the others are doing."
As Eddy climbed into bed with his usual wife-beater and checkered fleece pants he wondered what he would do on Saturday. But quickly felt tired and grabbed his Ipod. He turned on Welcome to the Jungle and layed down. Lately he had been very tired. He usually was still wide awake by 11:00 and barely got to sleep before 1:30 a.m. He was confused but didn't want to worry himself. These had been the best few days he had had since his dad had bought Rico.
Aura Sphere. 'Nuff said.
Eddy chuckled a bit. "Don't worry I've got this under control." He raised his hand in the air and a bubble began to form. When it popped he had a sitar in his hand. "Hmmm let's try Paint it Black. I havn't played that in awhile." He began to play the melody and the "ghosts" seemingly dissapeared leaving two young boys in their places. "Nice try guys." He said making the sitar dissapear. "Oh c'mon was it that obvious?" One of them asked. "Don't worry about it these guys try to get to me all the time. The only time you should be scared is if you see an adult-sized apparition. Well I better get Rico back to our room before he goes Midevil on these guys." As he walked away he was grateful that it was Friday. Maybe he could have some fun tomorrow.
Actually if I think about it, All those characters have had some good times but they've also had lots of bad times. Though I suppose I'd have to pick Sora even though I like Roxas better.
Alright you're all in. That should be enough to start. We'll begin with the person who posts next.
Hmmm alright then _______________________________________________________________________________________ Mexofina stood near the top of The World That Never Was thinking about how she was going to deal with Xemnas. Her Keyblade was powerul but she needed a strategy. But every plan she came up with had a weakness. She stopped thinking and decided to improvise. She was never the intellectual type.
Just give me a character and I'll somehow work him into KH.