does not like Ike. more.......SHUT UP!!!......why do I keep typing?......quit it hands!!!.......ugggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........more words.......... blah blah blah blah...........grejhbpqvatsmnoyehrituyfhervugkvludhfuijkfhvgbdsbkhjxzgmvhfbcukahbsjx.ngvcbnildjgcxvbncjhkdfvbxnf bvndscj gvhb dsn jngbcnmv bfncjxkcfvbghxncbvgnxbcvgcnbvhgcnxbvcnxbcnbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbvdsjhkgnc8 fjdlvasngfjghmcf hkjvgdshvuj548nbgtcu21893nv4y2c4uvynu2yv4n34uc2iurgj fbhcnjljhkfdm,vrtmjhb2p,39v.lciwpxeklp,moukIBTJYUBFUVDTRHUJHGFBUVFD$#SX%$^HTYIUOMJDHBXVIR ^AN*K"L(EO<k vmndwbeyao
can leap a building in a single bound!!!
Seeing the SOLDIERs in their seperate rooms reminded him of his old days. The SOLDIER Vance was doing quite well. The other was doing good as well. So he had an idea. He stood up and walked into Vance's training room. He thought it would be good to test a nice troop like him. Perhaps he would one day be promoted to TURK. So he turned off the current system and replaced it with one flat platform. A customized stage he created. There were no monsters. It was designed for one-on-one training. "Say how are you doing?" Zeki said walking in casually. He drew his swords and stood relaxed.
Zeki saw the SOLDIERs in the training room and decided to watch.
"Riiiiiiight." Eddy said walking away.
When Zeki got to the end point of the mission, nothing was there. He flipped open his phone. "Negative. There was nothing here but an abundance of monsters." He closed the phone and began walking back.
KH1- Cloud KH2- Roxas Why? I don't need a reason.
Is not truly the ruler of Omicron Persei 8!!!!
OOC: cool I feel lonely :( BIC: Zeki glanced at the clock while waiting to get the mission briefing. He decided after this he would call it a day. He took out his silver teardrop pendant and began flipping it between his fingers. He was bored. So he put it away and set his swords on the table. He carefully examined them making sure there were no scratches or chips in the metal. When the commander came in and handed him a folder he took it and saluted. He re-sheathed his swords and began walking out.
Eddy sighed. "I'm surrounded by immature primates." He said closing his laptop. "I'm going to go talk to the headmaster about this. I'll catch up later."
OOC: I guess I'll start. BIC: Zeki stood at the bottom of the headquarters looking up at the building. It was the largest building in the area. He held on to his necklace tightly. There were no other Turks besides him. He had gotten bored with the easy training sessions and missions that he had. And he was bored of the weak SOLDIERs. He sighed and went back in to recieve his next mission.
I think now I'm more confused then ever.
During these events Catonis had silently slipped away. He had always been near them however. Making sure nothing bad happened and gathering info. He had some thinking to do.
"Yeah where'd you go?"
OOC: Seriously when I read your post I was like: "Who the hell is this guy?" BIC: "Jacen?" Eddy looked and saw him.
3... no further comments this time.
Catonis listened to all of this silently. He put Mr. Woofs on his shoulder and signaled Lucario to take up the rear. "Well c'mon. If you guys want to find the meeting then I guess we have similar interests. Let's go it's this way."
"Sure." He took his laptop out from under his arm and brought up the site. "Take a look."