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  1. TacoGrenade
    What if the KH characters made it into SSBB? You can choose up to 2 KH characters and 2 SSBB characters. I'll start with being Roxas, Sonic, and Captain Falcon. Once we have enough players we'll start. And if we're doing a story and you still want to join feel free and we'll work you into the story. Anyone can control NPC's but stick to their personality i.e. You can't suddenly make Master Hand a good guy.

    Character List

    XcatisX- Roxas, Captain Falcon(anyone want him?)

    Sweet_and_Silent- Larxene, Samus, Diddy Kong (came back)

    Ven The Keyblade Master- Ike(?), Ven

    dj rvr- Terra, Sephiroth, Bowser, Wario

    TwilightBlader- Link

    Swillum- Moogle, Kirby, Jigglypuff (posts occasionally...)

    water mage- Demyx, Pit (posts occasionally...)

    Roxas Sora51- Riku, Sonic, Xigbar

    Zion Crayson- Sora, Marth
    Thread by: TacoGrenade, Jun 8, 2008, 199 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TacoGrenade
    "Well when my dad and mom agreed to start this school with Xemnas they had to find a place to build it. When they found a good spot and started building it there were tons of strange dissapearences. At first it was just a few dusks but it kept going and eventually half their work force was gone. Upon researching the land they found that it was once a burial ground back in the days of the samurai. Many great ninja' and samurai' were buried here. As a matter of fact I've seen several full-body apparitions and a few cold spots. Sometimes wierd stuff happens too. One time all the lockers in the left wing of the school kept opening and closing by themselves."
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. TacoGrenade
    "Yeah well at this place I wouldn't really be surprised." Eddy replied to him. Rico tried to sneak away but didn't have much success when Eddy grabbed his collar.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TacoGrenade
    dreams of dancing with Michael Jackson and enjoys it.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. TacoGrenade
    Is a dancing alien from Mars
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TacoGrenade
    ate three bags of Oreos last night and is going on his fourth right now.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. TacoGrenade
    "Huh? What do you mean Axel?" Sora asked looking confused.

    "I'm looking to take back what's mine." He replied holding out his hand.

    "Ohhh I get it." He said taking out the Bond of Flames keychain. He tossed it to Axel and he turned it back into his original two chakrams.

    "There we go." Axel said looking at his chakrams as though making sure that nothing was out of place. "Well come on." He said opening an inky black portal.

    "Ummmm where are we going?" Axel replied to this by walking through the portal. "Hey wait up!" Sora quickly ran through the portal just as it was about to close.

    As the two walked slowly out of the strange place they came to a doorway. Apon opening it they found themselves in a jungle-like world."Hey Namine?"


    "I think I can walk from here." Roxas said to her. As she set him down it took him a moment to get his balance. He stood up slowly and carefully.

    "I'm sorry Roxas but I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere!" They looked behind them and saw the boy again. Only this time his skin came off in many places and he was bleeding profusely. His face was showing and his skin was a tanned color but half of his face was torn off and you could see several pieces of bone and much bare flesh. His eyes were a milky white color.

    "You!" Roxas yelled looking at him.

    "Yep. Surprise, surprise." He replied looking devilish. "Bet you weren't expecting me." Suddenly his skin began to heal back completely and he looked better then ever. Roxas and Namine were speechless. How could they face something like that?

    Yet again a short post. Sorry everyone if I'm kind of disapointing.

    ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. TacoGrenade
    Well I've got nothing better to do.

    name: Xandr (anagram is Dran)
    age: between 15-17 I'm not really sure
    is he/she on the orginazation: yes
    gender: Male
    title: The Shifter
    personality: Very quiet and resourceful. Doesn't particularly like Roxas but joined so he could combat the Oraganization. During a battle he is one of the best.
    appearence: Long light brown hair. Deep red eyes. Usually wears a sleeveless shirt that is half dark green and half light blue. Silver shoes and drak blue baggy jeans.
    anything else: Was the former #13 of the Organization but was kicked out because he refused to follow their plans.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TacoGrenade
    "Sure just be slow and he should be fine."
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. TacoGrenade
    As Eddy finished the last note of the song he still saw no sign of Rico. "Well that's a bummer." He said putting away the flute. Then all of a sudden Rico burst out from the bushes and landed on him licking his face like an affectionate dog. Eddy finally managed to push him off and petted him. "Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Well Rico I'm very dissapointed in you." At those words the cat seemed to try to make itself as small as possible. "But I'm very relieved that I found you so I'll let it slide." Rico perked up at this.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TacoGrenade
    He blushed slightly. "Yeah I've always been kinda good at math." He stopped. "Wait I have an idea! Rico always liked music! That's why my dad bought him for me!" He took a small flute out of his coat pocket and began playing a soft melody.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TacoGrenade
    He thought for a moment. "Well let's think. If our dorm is that way and he came out the door he did he was probably moving approximetly 2-5 miles per hour. He most likely headed northeast, the direction he saw you going but must have passed right by you. So he's probably that way." He said pointing in several directions as he spoke. At the end of his explanation he pointed to the right of where they were standing. The path led deep into the forest that was just outside the school.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TacoGrenade
    He nodded. "Alright let's get going." As Eddy walked down the hall he felt fairly proud of himself. He was finally starting to be recognized in the world. Maybe he could make a difference like his dad always said he was going to.
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. TacoGrenade
    "Thanks." He said looking relieved. "Well the first place we should look should be the woods. He was originally raised in the wild so I'm betting that's where he would go."
    Post by: TacoGrenade, Jun 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home