This might make me like dogs a little bit more ;x
I am a rooster, and some of the things said fit my personality, but not all.
well i thought it'd be on my profile |: everyone follow me.
YOU SHOULD FOLLOW ME you can see all my world of warcraft posts and then your life will be complete. (loljk, i feel bad for people who follow me)
february 19: ChanellKH, leafeknight7, TheFerg, nunubx, Plasma, rhaxama, muff monkey, monney mike, Almanac Kingdom Of Hearts
Username: muff monkey Doll's Name: Kalina Doll: Spoiler
everyone thinks i'm a boy i'm really not
forever and ever <3
I saw. :'3 You are added. <3
Well I was mostly joking around, because if you ask the majority of women when you can take a man seriously, they'll say never. So I was even...
That is true, but men don't become serious until their late thirties. ;'3 Kidding. It's more like late twenties.
I like the first one a lot. :3 And wtf, this is making me really want to change what my desktop looks like now.
I'm a bit childish all the time, and it's come to the point that most of the people I talk to don't take me seriously at all. But whatever, who...
I do see your posts, and you seem like an alright guy. ;) And then when actually talking to you, you seem sweet. Does that make sense?
I think you are :c
You're so sweet! Seriously.
I dunno. If I were you I would be petrified to sing a song for someone, lol.
raiders by owl eyes
I'll see you soon, future husband. <3
I didn't think you'd actually consider maybe singing a song. :x