i thought you were either eighteen or nineteen. dunno why, to be honest.
why are you sixteen wtf. i thought you were so much older. oh man
this woman's work by kate bush
my username is emileepaige you all should add me :x i'm fairly certain i scrobble 24/7, minus the few hours i sleep
my eyes are grey how scandalous ~*~*~
dat face omg
plums, i want a miniature you to put in my pocket you are so adorable.
I'm pretty sure I think 99.9% of the people are girls on here.
i have the best breasts evur
pull out my insides by does it offend you, yeah?
i do wat i want
i am jealous nvr had a boyfriend and i won't ever have one because the guy i like is married HAR HAR HAR congratulations though
i am so confused
humming bird by alex clare
i thought i looked cute today so i'm obvz gonna show you all Spoiler
so make it happen!
young blood by the naked and famous
buy me a ticket and i'll be there <3