I'm sorry. *Ghibli tears* But XIII's final boss was eeeeeeaaaaaaasy.
That was the old me! Enix-chan is my BFF now, so leave her alone!
TIL Below does not have a pregnancy fetish.
Overall, I'd rank it somewhere between Dead People Fighting Other Dead People at its best and Stretch Armstrong Being a Pirate at its worst.
When life gives you lemons, learn to juggle because this is your life now.
B-but... You're right, Nintendo-sensei! I'm gonna do my best by myself! I still wanna go out with Atlus-senpai, but now that can wait! I'm gonna be the best I can be all by myself!
I-I'm not just h-handing off my work! I-I try so hard to do my best b-b-b-but the shareholders just want so many big things and I can't do all of that and make a good game out of i-it all by myself! Sony-sensei is already selling his shares in me, so it's only a matter of time before everyone else gives up on me too. B-but if I get Atlus-senpai's help, I can make good games and keep the shareholders happy!
But if Atlus-senpai says yes and becomes my boyfriend, he'll help me finish all my games! H-he's just so kind like that. *BLUSH*
W-well if it's okay, I'd like to mention that Fang and Lightning both serve a c-crucial role in Kingdom Hearts III. I-I know lots of you don't like that Lightning is so s-s-sexualized, but Nomura-san is working on making her a much better character for her appearance in Kingdom Hearts III. I really hope you look forward to it. B-but it's okay if you don't.
I was following this sentence pretty well until the last five words.
As long as I get to call Amaury a moron, I couldn't care less.
N-no that can't be true! He let me publish his game in Europe! That's gotta count for something, right?
Can we just skip to the part where I call Amaury a moron and then move on to the next dumb thread?
I'm gonna ask out Atlus-senpai!
Will you send me Irn Bru?
God damn it Nights. Tsk tsk tsk. I'm not your pal, dude.
I'm not your Stalin, broski.
I'm not your friend, comrade.
The only one that's really offensive is that last one. The first is kind of funny and the second makes a good point, albeit with bad reasoning. Nintendo is making the female characters too big a deal. What's wrong with treating them like they're no different from male characters?