Namine...this is gonna be my last message to you for a while...I love you and I'll be back... *invisible force presses against Namine's lips gently*
Please don't strain your voice either... *invisible force hugs Namine* It's the only thing I can hear, see, feel, touch, or even taste that involves you...
I know Demyx wants to kill me. Try to keep him away from me....I just need some time...I need to find myself...
No! Stop! It's really me! Don't hurt yourself... *invisible force rests softly against Namine's head* I don't like to see you in pain...'s me. I'm sorry for what you saw...Just give me some time...I'll come back.
*talks in Namine's mind* you hear me?
*looks at window one last time* *whispers* Namine....just give me some time.... *lays necklace on ground and runs off*
You know what?! Screw you! *summons Oblivion and slashes Demyx* Leave me alone! I wish you guys would give me a freakin' break! *puts on Organization cloak, jumps out of a window, and runs off*
Oh.... *puts face in hands* I need to occupy myself... *reaches into pocket for PSP, but can't find it* Dang! *pulls hand out of pocket, dropping a razor blade* ............That's not mine! *wristband falls off, revealing fresh, bleeding scars*
Whoa! Just please don't stalk me! I used to have my name on there, but I wasn't thinking straight that day... .............HUGGLE!!!! *huggles*
You're saying she left?! *plops onto floor on butt* She....she....ditched me?
I like being snuggly! :D *hugs* We're working on the script for our vids. We almost have the first episode's script ready!
Not much, Demyx.... I'm suppose to be on a date with Namine, but she just left for the bathroom.... *rests hands behind head* I don't really know if she went to the bathroom or not, she just left...
Thanks! *hugs* I'm kinda you're warming me up majorly! :D
Haha! Stop! *giggles* Stop! XD
Wanna head over there?
Nothin' much! I'm bored....
I'm good. I've been waiting for someone from the blog to get on. Roxas and Namine were on a date, but roxasissomebody left before we could even...
No prob! :D Really? I've had three crushes at the same time... But I'm weird, so that might be why I did. So, anything else new with you?
What's up?