*is glomp tackled* Whoa! Hey, Obsessed! *huggle glomp!*
This is Kingom Hearts: Confrontations! This starts a few weeks after the KH trio get back to Destiny Islands. Roxas and Namine have been granted their own bodies, and hang out with the others. One day, however, a mysterious stranger appears, challenging the friends to a non-stop battle against challengers across the worlds. The friends think about it and accept the challenge. We are however starting a day before the stranger comes Here are the rules: 1. Keep all language, romance, and violence PG-13. 2. One character per person. 3. No yaoi. 4. Don't spam. 5. No flaming or bashing. 6. First to call the character gets him/her. Main Characters Sora- nobodynerd100 Kairi- Forever Love Riku- darkblademaster 907 Roxas- Roxas24Sora Namine- roxasissomebody Stranger- Ventez Bosses Darth Vader- The Joker- Ventez Lex Luthor- Venom- Roxas24Sora Doctor Doom- Darth Maul- More to be announced.... Have fun!
*puts Namine on her feet* You ready? *summons Oblivion and Oathkeeper*
*Namine walks in* Hey, fellas! *Roxas jumps in surprise* Namine! *runs to her and kisses her* Hey baby.
*looks at Namine* I want you to help me fight.
OOC: Can I temporarily be Namine? *stares back at Vexen* ......What?
*laughs, then starts playing PSP*
*looks at Namine* Xemnas... Hey, nobodynerd! I know you're doing this in the other one. Can you play Xemnas for a while?
Why, thank you Zexion.
*takes Namine to Memory's Skyscraper, still holding her in his arms* He's up there... *motioned towards the skyscraper's roof*
*kicks back in a comfy chair* I blame Vexen for all the crap going on here.
OOC: Okay, thanks! BIC:Riku awoke from his sleep, falling out of his bed. "Wha....what's up?" He said, trying to cover up a yawn.
OOC: Okay, can I get a summary?
Hey RIS, can I be Riku?
No, it's okay...
I love everyone and I think everyone's beautiful!!!
I think all of you are pretty!!! *glomps everybody*
*picks up Namine and holds her in his arms* I'll protect you... *steps into dark portal* Yeah, it's cool, nobodynerd! :D
*gives out hand to Namine* You can come with me if you want...
*appears from the shadows* Namine...I'm leaving for a while....This... *lifts sleeve to show scars* ...habit needs to stop, but only I can stop it. One person is doing it to me. *looks in the distance towards Memory's Skyscraper*