*has Oathkeeper directly at Vexen's neck* Take. That. Back. NOW!
OC: XD HaHaHa!!! I LOLed at that for minutes! You guys are really mature......
You guys are so immature... *puts phone back to ear* No! I didn't say you were immature! You're really mature....that's one reason I love you....
*gets inbetween Vexen and Demyx* If I were in this argument, Axel would so side with me. *takes out phone* While you two little babies bicker, I'm gonna talk to my loved one. *dials Namine's number*
In my book, a box filled with pictures of the keyblade master and his nobody naked IS porn. *snatches box and slices it into a thousand pieces with Oathkeeper*
I saw what you said on darkblademaster 907's page. I didn't replace you, I just let her be the part when you're not on.
You gave some to Namine?! WHAT?! I don't want any of your porn, Demyx, and Vexen doesn't even like porn. *burns box with lighter* Bye bye box!
OC: I'm good, how are you? Well, just.....whenever you see her again, don't EVER use the words hot or sexy. Say pretty, beautiful, or gorgeous. *looks at XXX box* Where did you get those? *snatches box away*
Oh, sorry.....wanna go to tha blog?
Demyx.....Back. The. Heck. Off. Now. Okay?
....................Can I start a party?
O.O ...............Hello, everybody........... .............................. ......................... .................... ............... ........... ........ ...... .... ... .. . The party has just begun.....
How's Wedding and Switched coming?
Having to deal with high school, crushes, and other stuff...the usual for a teen....
I wouldn't post my pic up... Stalkers scare me....O.o
That's a lesson in Men's Chemistry. ;) You're probably being modest...I'm sure you're cute! :D :glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp:
Oh....those things..... :blink: How can teeth be wise?
Well, most blondes are either pretty, cute, hot, or sexy.......not trying to be descriminating or anything... I rate you under cute cause of your...
*rubs back of head in confusion* What are wisdom teeth?