Oh. Okay. You hacking atm?
*whistles* You're not planning on including all 50, are you?
4 animations? How many are there?
:xp: Thanks for the bike!
Hey, Rami, is anybody doing artwork for this game? If not, I'd like to contribute to this project by doing artwork. And ripping a few sprites if you teach us.
@ Ultima Queen of Hearts: Which vid?
Yeah. Well I gotta go. See ya.
Oh. My mistake.
True. Animodding is the hardest part of every play as code.
Well, that shouldn't be too hard.
Oh. Well, I wouldn't expect it to be easy.
See ya, Sora.
Has any codes worked yet?
Okay, now that was weird.
Okay, after this i gotta go.
Which thread are those models in?
Yeah. It was really.... weird.
Oh. Bummer, dude. I'm sorry. I had to ask.
Oh. What happened with it? You lost it?
Oh, you have KH2FM as well? Man!! I wish I could buy it! KH2FM is so much better in codes!