Only three days left for sign ups! Mafia is a social experiment game of trust, lies and betrayal. You can never tell what is going to happen. Who can you trust? Who will kill you in your sleep? Find out in this classic All Hallows Eve game. This game is a classic set up that makes for a great introduction to Mafia and is always fun regardless of level of experience. Please, join us! We would love to have you.
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Then why did they make a birthday thread for themselves?
"My body is a cage." Keep going strong, Tummer.
Stonethrower by The Antlers
Cool. See you there.
For Our Elegant Caste by of Montreal
Will do. You have to sign up in thread though (and read the rules and such). Make sure you're okay with them!
You interested in playing a social experiment Mafia game? Would love to have you.
Twister from Subarashiki Kono Sekai Original Soundtrack
Yes that does appear to be the case.
Bumping for recruits! Need people in both games! If you have the time, we'd love to have you. But hurry... Deadline is soon. Game 1 Game 2
The proper response to thanks is 'you are welcome'.
I should hope so...
(Shut) Up the Punx!!! by Bomb the Music Industry!
Happy birthday. Have a good one.
Set your clock back 1/2 hour now. I always wondered why people didn't do this.
Royal Capitol from The Legend of Dragoon Original Soundtrack