Roxas felt the pain from the cleaning begin to subside, the boy's shoulders sagging as he released a deep breath. Even if he was going through more pain because of this process, he was grateful Namine was so willing to help him. He appreciated it, even if he couldn't show it right now.
Sooo...I'm really hungry. xD
Roxas groaned slightly, but he cut it off by pressing his lips together, so it instead sounded more like a grunt. Yeah, that hurt. But he had to get through it, and he would in a few seconds. His fists clenched a little tighter as he felt the rag go over his wound, silently cursing Smith for doing this to him.
Yeah.... xP
Roxas felt himself tense again at the mention, the boy opening his eyes to stare at the floor. Great. "Okay," he said, aware of how badly this was going to hurt. The disinfectant had been bad, but actually touching the wound to clean out that stuff? He wasn't too excited.
Yeah. I've learned to laugh it off. xD
Roxas unclenched his teeth to respond. "I'm alright," he told Namine softly. He was just thankful she hadn't seen him after the hit struck; that had been very painful. He certainly could have been worse now, but thankfully he wasn't, in front of Namine.
Well, I always fall. Haha. xD
Roxas felt Namine run the rag over his back a little, but he otherwise remained silent. He couldn't remember having an injury that hurt this much before. It bothered him that he had been such an easy target for Smith, even after defeating him twice in the past.
Ugh. One of the reasons I hate PE. I was always get hurt somehow. Dx
Roxas's eyes were no longer shut tightly, the boy starting to relax a little. Namine's gentle motion helped, the boy taking in a deep breath and exhaling softly. The stinging was beginning to fade away, thank goodness. But he knew that he was going to remain somewhat tense until the gauze was on, because even thinking of touching his shoulder made him want to wince.
You're like me; I hate hospitals. x3
Roxas's hands were balled into tight fists at the burning sensation in his shoulder, the boy trying to relax with Namine's touch. But his body was still tense, his teeth ground together as he kept his eyes shut. After a few seconds, he felt the burn slowly turn into a sting, allowing him to let out a long breath in relief.
Yeah, but she didn't let it bother her. She's a trooper. xD
Roxas squeezed his eyes shut, his body tensing even more despite Namine's hand being on his back. The spray burned, causing him to hiss in pain. It would be over in a minute, he knew that. It had to be cleaned; an infection would only be worse.
My best friend went there, but she had to go the ER. The waves made her knock into rocks. Yeah, that wasn't good. She had fun anyways, though. xD
Roxas glanced over his shoulder to see Namine, and he knew instantly what she was doing. He then returned his gaze to the ground. He balled his hands into fists, tensing at what was about to come. "Do it," he muttered lowly, preparing for the pain and just wanting it to be done with.
Both, really. xDD
Roxas didn't sense Namine's presence in the living room, the boy staring down at the ground. For the past minute he had been trying to ignore his pain, instead focusing on his thoughts. His fight between Smith had been evenly matched in the beginning, but once he started to absorb the others' energy, it went downhill. That was why he had the wound in his shoulder now; he hadn't been quick enough to dodge the attack. Smith was stronger, and it made Roxas nervous. However, he knew he had to get past that and defeat him, once and for all.
You should go. I love it there. :3