Roxas shook his head, lowering his hand from Namine's shoulder and back to his side. "I don't need it," he said, thinking of how the cold weather had barely affected him when he was running here earlier. Regardless, if they were going to track down Smith immediately, it would just be in the way.
Ah, I see. xD
Roxas gently squeezed Namine's shoulder, wishing there was something he could say to her. But he said all he could earlier, and all he could do now was hope that she trusted his judgement. "...We should go," Roxas said softly, knowing that it had been almost an hour now, which was when he agreed to meet Sora and Riku at Kairi's.
Chuck... I forgot what that was about.
Roxas lowered his shirt and focused on putting his jacket on, being careful just as he had when he took it off. His shoulder still hurt, but at least he wasn't covered in blood anymore. He lightly tugged at the hem of his cream-colored top once it was on, then lifting his eyes to Namine. Immediately, he forgot his injuries and stepped toward her, lightly setting his hand on her shoulder.
Eh, not right now anyway. xD I watch Secret Life of the American Teenager and Make It Or Break It these days. But pretty soon One Tree Hill and...
Roxas stood up from his spot on the edge of the coffee table, the injury on his right side throbbing at the movement. He wondered how that was... The boy shifted his jacket into his left hand, using his other hand to lift up his shirt. A bruise, just as he thought. Fantastic.
Haha, yeahhh. xD
Roxas clenched his teeth when the fabric of his black shirt touched his shoulder, realizing that it was damp with blood. He didn't care, though, zipping it up to his neck by the pendant again. Once that was on, he bent down and grabbed his jacket. They needed to get to Kairi's soon.
Neither do I. Do you know why? ;D
Roxas sensed Namine moving out of the corner of his eye, and he figured it was a good time to put his shirt and jacket back on. He saw them on the floor in front of the couch, where he had set them before. He let go of his arm and grabbed his black zip-up, starting to put it back on.
Advertisement on tv. :3
Roxas looked away from his shoulder and glanced up at the girl standing behind him, then turning his head to stare at the supplies she brought with her. It didn't look like there was much left, like she said. He knew why; he had to use some of it after what Jeff did to Namine a while ago. He furrowed his eyebrows and subconsciously brought his hand to his upper arm, feeling pain again from his shoulder. "Okay. Never mind," Roxas said then.
Chips ahoy! 8D Did you know that they're putting Reese's in them now? :3
Roxas winced slightly, feeling the air hit his wound once more. It really needed covered up. "Hey, Nam?" he said, turning his head to look at his shoulder. His wound was no longer covered in blood, but it was still ugly. "...Could you patch this up for me? We need to head over to Kairi's soon." He'd forgotten about that until now, and he wondered how long it had been since he made that phone call. Surely it was almost time to go.
She didn't even get like, meals. Just snacks. Some of them are chocolate, so I guess that'll work. :3
Roxas turned his head forward again, staring down at the floor as he felt Namine rub his back. That was definitely helping, the boy taking in a deep breath again as another surge of pain ran from his shoulder through his arm. The disinfectant hadn't gotten rid of the pain unfortunately, but he knew he would have to fight through that. Literally. Smith needed to be caught, and soon.
So did mine, but she didn't get anything good. xD
"Thanks," Roxas said after a brief moment of silence, turning his head a little as if to look at Namine, even though he didn't see her. He knew this was probably uncomfortable for her, and he never wanted to ask this of her again. But he never knew what could happen.
Lucky. xD There's no food here.