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  1. Forever Love
    Kairi turned around, her hands empty of any supplies at the moment. A few broken ribs? Nathaniel had done that to him... The girl gazed at Sora for a minute before taking a seat next to him on the couch, sitting between him and Riku. She lightly set a hand on his arm, frowning with a soft look in her eyes.

    Riku knew that Sora probably wasn't lying, thinking back to his battle with that guy-turned-dragon in the Dark Realm. He had a few questions on his mind about what all was going on here that he didn't know about. He had never seen that guy before in his life, and the same went for Roxas's enemy as well.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Forever Love
    Gosh, I am sooo hungry. xDD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  3. Forever Love
    Kairi busied herself with throwing the stuff she used to treat Riku's wounds into the trashcan she had brought into the room. "Are you sure?" she asked, glancing at him before returning to her first aid supplies. She could see he didn't look his best, and if he had an injury, she would appreciate knowing so she could try to help.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Sure. Why not? xDD

    Sure. Why not? xDD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  5. Forever Love
    Kairi finished tending to Riku's wound, having already patched up his other injuries. She turned her attention to her first aid supplies, though she couldn't get the thoughts of what the boys just told her out of her head. They were all in the Realm of Darkness? Xehanort's Heartless, Smith, and Nathaniel? The last name made her feel uncomfortable, for obvious reasons. She still hadn't gotten over that, considering it had taken place a little over two weeks ago.

    Riku ran a hand through his hair once Kairi turned away, looking to Sora. His friend didn't look so good. "You got anything you need patched up?" he asked him in the silence, filling it immediately.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    Yes it does. xD

    Yes it does. xD
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  7. Forever Love
    Riku sat on Kairi's couch, the girl standing in front of him as she disinfected a cut on his face. He winced at the sting, turning his head away. However, he only heard Kairi scolding him.

    "Riku, you have to hold still," Kairi told him sternly, holding the cotton ball that she had put disinfectant on in her hand. She found it humorous how Riku was so stoic and reserved, but when it came to simply cleaning a cut he acted like a child.

    Riku rolled his eyes slightly as he faced Kairi again, noticing how she was using a mother-like tone with him. He vaguely thought of the times when they were kids, and she had scolded him in moments like these. He grunted slightly in pain when she dabbed the disinfectant to his scratch again, the teen recalling he must have gotten it from when the Guardian slammed his body into the ground so roughly.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Forever Love
  9. Forever Love
    Roxas gripped Namine's hand securely, his eyes lingering on her for a moment before he turned and started toward the door. They would reach Kairi's in a matter of minutes, where hopefully they could get this all settled out.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Forever Love
  11. Forever Love
    Roxas nodded once and pushed himself away from he wall, his arms unfolding. However, he lifted his hand and offered it to Namine. He wanted to keep her close at all times, and being able to feel her hand in his would make him feel a little better about it.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Forever Love
  13. Forever Love
    Roxas lifted his eyes to his side, seeing Namine. "Ready?" he asked, and he wasn't sure if he was asking about leaving for Kairi's or the future altogether. He wasn't feeling very good about Smith's intentions, but he knew he had to defeat him and protect Namine at all costs. There was no room for faults.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Forever Love
  15. Forever Love
    Roxas stared down at the ground, his arms folded over his chest. Smith was clearly still pursuing his goal, even if they still had no idea what that was. The only reason Roxas could tell was because of how Namine was reacting; the dizziness and such. He hated seeing it, mostly because he never liked to witness her pain. Roxas couldn't wait to get rid of Smith, and the problems along with him.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Forever Love
    Profile Post

    What do you mean?

    What do you mean?
    Profile Post by Forever Love for P E A N U T, Jul 27, 2010
  17. Forever Love
    Roxas leaned against the wall just outside the living room doorway, waiting for Namine in the entrance hall. Kairi's wasn't that far of a walk; only a few blocks away. They would make it there on time, and surely without any problems.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Forever Love
  19. Forever Love
    Roxas watched Namine go, his hands naturally forming loose fists at his sides. While she went toward the hall, he went toward the foyer to wait. He had forgotten to take his shoes off when he was in a hurry to get to Namine's, so he didn't have to worry about them.
    Post by: Forever Love, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Forever Love