Roxas kept his right hand balled into a fist, regretting not taking the time to use a potion when he was in the Realm of Darkness. It would have saved him the trouble for this, as well as Namine. Warmth always invaded him whenever she took care of him, but he still felt bad about it. He had a feeling it was because she knew he had been fighting and now saw what the end result was...for now.
Hmmm. I've been to the bahamas, so that's not really on the list anymore (even if it's beautiful :3). Um, I've always wanted to visit Rome or...
"'Kay," Roxas said softly, nodding a little as he lowered his eyes to the ground underneath his feet. Ow, he thought, another surge of pain starting at his shoulder and going through his arm. Smith is going to pay for this. Roxas remembered what happened the last time they fought, and how he was thrown into the wall. That had been bad, but since Roxas was conscious to his pain this time, he wasn't going to let the man get away with it. Just like last time.
xDD Then perhaps you should visit here and I shall visit there.
Roxas tensed at how close Namine was to the gash in his shoulder, the boy turning his gaze from her and glancing down at where she was wiping. Actually, no, he didn't want to watch. He turned his gaze back in front of him, trying to forget about how nervous he was of the pain.
Haha, I know. xD But I would just love to see some hills or something. Sheesh!
Roxas lifted his eyes from his arm to Namine now that she was closer, just simply gazing at her. Sometimes he wondered what he would do without her. Probably nothing, since the thought of her no longer being with him hurt. But he knew he could have caused that to happen with the way he treated her in the past. He wished he could take that back, since she was still so gentle with him, especially now. But Roxas knew that something in him had changed, and he wasn't the same person as before. But he could try, for her.
Really? Hmm. We're opposite then. xD
Roxas moved his gaze from his arm to Namine when she stopped, and he knew what she was silently asking of him. He looked back down at his arm and shoulder as he moved his hand back, curling it into a fist as it came back to his side. His shoulder was sending small shocks of pain down his arm, but he wasn't about to tell Namine that; that would only make things worse.
My state is just horrible in general. 4 gov's are in jail, the weather is gross, it's flat, my town is surrounded by cornfields...etc. I just...
Roxas kept his right hand where it was, not moving as Namine wiped off his blood. He hated that she had to do that, and he wished he could do this himself that way she wouldn't have to see the wound and blood, but he couldn't. Not very well, at least.
Agreed. But I'm talking about my state in general. It sucks. Dx
Roxas had one hand on the edge of his shoulder, though he didn't know why. It didn't help with the pain, but that was also why he couldn't let go. He frowned at the wound, and then winced when it throbbed once more. He felt a gaze on him and fought off his pain to look at Namine.
That's not bad. =) I'm different, though. I want to go out of state, because this place is just terrible. Dx
Roxas unzipped his shirt all the way and carefully took it off, biting his lip to keep himself from releasing any sound of pain. Once it was off, he could clearly see his shoulder, and just how deep Smith's gunblade had come down on him. Surely the move had been used to get rid of one of Roxas's sword arms. Roxas fought through the pain at the time, and he was going to do the same, even after this was cleaned up.
If I was in your position, I would probably get homesick. x3 But eventually I'd get over it and have fun.
Roxas sighed softly, at both the sight of the injury and the pain. He lifted his hands to the top of his black tank, grabbing the pendant and starting to unzip it. The only way for him to reach the wound was to take it off, and then hopefully wrap it up.
That's cool. :3 I wanna live the dorm-life.
Roxas's eyes lingered on Namine, but then he followed her gaze to his arm again. The sleeve of his black shirt covered most of his shoulder, but he could see the cut in the fabric from where Smith had gotten him, and it was damp with blood. Great.
That's good. =)