I usually make my character a tank. high defence that is :P
I think it's when Captain Barbosa steps out into the moonlight and takes a swig of wine or w/e
What's that one camera that allows to get high quality resolution pictures and videos on ur ps2...whats it called?
Wow, great sequel lol :D
omg, you know those optional espers you can fight? Zodiark and Ultima are so stinking hard....any tips u got for me? id appreciate it lol
i thought about this for some time now, and I realized that Org. XIII wanted to become a real being, along with all the Nobodies. They could of actually done some good, besides that fact they were screwing up the worlds. Why did sora have to do such a mean thing? All they wanted was a heart, poor Org. XIII -sad song on worlds smallest violin-
I thought Demyx was like, toughest of them all, right up next to Xigbar...lol...
favorite place to eat? mines Krispy Kreme! :D
what if kh2 was turned base, itd be a LOT different. It would be cool tho right? maybe, maybe not lol
yep the third book is gonna be an equal to star wars or something :) (i hope so)
i personally think that most of the equipment in kh2 is underrated. I mean if youve noticed, lets say Oblvion for instance, it had a strength of 11 in the first game, but in kh2 it dropped to 6. and also, lets say ur weapon gives u a strength bonus of 6 and ur strength is 50 without Oblivion equipeed, meaning to say, is it some kind of toothpick compared to your strength? lol? i dunno, tell me what u think :D
omg omg thats great!
I like Red, P.O.D., Breaking Benjamin, and Linkin Park, and Disturbed. whats ur favorite?
yeah yeah its final mix
fave world i liked hollow bastion, the pride lands, twilight town, and the world that never was, :P
omg lol, on youtube i found like 12 or 13 vids of the "kingdom hearts stupid files". omg they are hilarious, check it out if ya want, just make sure that you arent sensitive to bad words, im not gonna name any off cuz ill get in trouble
If u have a ps2 slim, and bought the itty bitty tiny peices u place in certain areas in the disk drive or whatever in ur ps2....be careful. I was trying to put the one pice to hold the disk break back and guess what, the piece fell back into the place of no return. After what seemed like forever, I fianlly got it... Then there was this aluminum plate with a small metal stick protruding from it. It fits so snug I thought i broke my ps2 when I put it in there x..x (thank god it didnt). So if u get a ps2 slim SwapMagic pack with the disks and all, be careful is all i have to say. I got mine from eBay, and it had no instructions...i had to look on Google for an instruction manual....after i thought this was the brink of it not bing worth my trouble, i spotted it. But the images were super fuzzy....So yeah, thats just my story on how I put in the SwapMagic parts into my ps2, if u need to know where something goes, ask me i might be able to help.
omg Johnny Tremain was the worstest evar
nice good observation, who woulda thought it?
uhhh, what the heck is wrong with hollow bastion? it looks so corny now :(. it was way better in the first game. dont ya think?