Hey, I'm starting an RP, and message me if you'd like to join!!! It's about the events after kingdom hearts 2. Organization XIII was reborn from the darkness and yet, are out to steal more hearts. But, it seems three more keyblade masters, Ven (or Roxas), Aqua, and Terra are helping Sora and Riku to take back Kingdom Hearts in its recovering state, which is prone to hostile takeover, and could be used to wreak total destruction with darkness, or bring peace with light. Sora - Riku- Kairi- Roxas/Ven- Xemnas- Marluxia- Demyx- Axel- Vexen- Lexaeus- Xaldin- Larxene- Luxord- Xigbar- Zexion- Terra- Aqua- Donald- Goofy- Leon- Cid- Yuffie- Aerith- Cloud- Merlin-
Ya know, have u ever realized that when Sora and his freinds enter the door that pops out of nowhere on the Altar of Naught, well, looking at it closely, the door when into a EXACT same dimension as the World that Never Was. How is this possible, since there isnt more than 2 places in the game technically, the door therefore made NO sense whatsoever. Anyways, if you look at it, when Sora and freinds walk thru the door, theres a shiny glowing dimension on that side of the door, but wait, they enter from a shiny dimension, not the altar of naught where they SHOULD have entered from. Did the creators pull off a double take on us?
Ok, I'm trying to beat all of the Org. XIII data at lv 70 on critical mode. But i thought about Zexion and his book smash attack or w/e, when u get trapped in the book and u have to rip urself out of it. Could i like get my defence up realllly high and survive that, or is there a certain element he uses on that attack, If u know anything, PLEASE REPLY I'D GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!! :)
why not put use the ethernet cable feature with the ps2 and kh2. Like have some people join ur game and choose their character...have tournaments....mini games...pvp arena...etc. If u have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear em :D!!
honestly i think a second magic window with like the L1 button, but with L2 as well, more moves like Gravity...Holy...Dark...etc. and adding element damge to certain keyblades, such as fire damage to the Bond of Flame and dark damage with Oblivion, along with the element thing would be resists and weaknesses too. And more mini games, like a pvp almost
What do you think would make the combat system in kh better?
I would go with anti-form, final form, and in final mix, limit form.
Hey there!!! Welcome to kh-vids. Don't forget to follow the rules, be nice to the staff they spare u some rep points :D. So have fun and if you'd like to be friends, just add me :P
I'd have to say the Fateful Encounter (get from Roxas on final mix) and the Winner's Proof (completion of mushroom challnge in final mix). But as for the regular keyblades, I would definitley say the Oathkeeper and Oblivion :D
i hated that everytime u got beat in a epci battle...like with riku in front of the keyhole in hollow bastion...that scene was so long...AND i died like 3 timesdoing it -___-. and i hated the names for some abilities comparing them to kh2 lol. and the fact that it almost NEVER told u where to go next...omg that drove me insane!!!
something a bit like anti-form I was thinking maybe something like anti-form. But instead of Sora turning into a heartless-like creature, he has dark clothes, black and gold maybe. Has the invisibilty magic option and Sora has the ability to summon a few creatures of darkness to help him fight. After you level up the drive form, you get the abilities Break Raid (heh Roxas and Twilight Thorn ftw) as a combo finisher, Wall Climb Lv1, 2, or 3. Haven't thought of a name for the form tho :D
My friend pointed out a very convincing thing on the kh2 final boss...That big white metallic dragon looks as if it turns out to be the headquarters of Org. XIII....
I beat the Hades Paradox Cup, but what's the point of a nasty looking trophy? Is there more to it?
You know how when your'e in a world and you find those shining crown looking things, what exactly are those for?
Marluxia age: ??? weapon: scythe takes a lot of pride in his looks and is very determined, and is a nobody D:
Xalhera1995 is now Marluxia is marluxia taken?
Do U Like Waffles? Yeah We Like Waffles! Do U Like Pancakes? Yeah We Like Pancakes! Do U Like French Toast? Yeah We Like French Toast! De De De De De Cant Waitto Egt A Mouthful!
We got some of that oxi clean u see on tv....instead of making the stains go away...it makes MOREEEE!!!!!
:o Now that's just plain rude. *holds up Olympus Stone*
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Roxas. Roxas. Roxas. Roxassssssss. Roxassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. ROXASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Roxas. ....What? Nothin. ........... ...........