i look at their sleeve size and their shoulders and the way they stand, they all have a unique aura about them....w/e lol
i fight him twice and i said...forget it! lol
Roxas, he can have the Fateful Encounter (you get from roxas in fm btw). ROXAS OWNZZZZ!
I made a couple buster bands and wore the cosmic belt and made some defence boosts...was to lazy to fight saix that much :D
nope, just random numbers i guess...was in a hurry :D lol
omg, LOL, i think somebody is getting full of themselves....
maybe Riku decided he was emo....idk, not really. He probably put them on to....idk i gve up.
keep making defence boosts, use fenrir, ultima, or kingdom key (for its defender ability). lol i used the fateful encounter.... sadly.....
Hey there!!! I'm xalhera1995, welcome to kh-vids, have fun and follow the rules :D, wanna be freinds? :D
I think Xemnas attached himself to hearts a little bit TOO much, like when he shouts out the "Hearts are the source of all power" thing. no no no, you'd need a leader kinda like Saix, I thought he would have made an excellent leader for Organiztion XIII
OMG! that would be insane! and from Advent Children fighting the crybaby Vos.....LOL
I put on the dumbest looking keyblade on Sephirtoh said, "That's an interesting sword you're holding." And my game glitched once and Sora landed on something in mid-air -__-" i was like...WTH?
OMG, I would like it if bbs doesn't turn out to be button mashing, but reading the news & updates section on the forums, it's highly unlikely. But, I would LOVE to see at least ONE Final Fantasy world, like as in how you would normally visit Disney worlds in kh1 and 2, BUT, instead maybe one world could be Midgar... Lemures... etc. Also, it would be nice if there was a larger variety of magic. Maybe include gravity, haste, scourge, etc.
YESSSS!!!!! But if you get the One Winged Angel keyblade from kh1 final mix... I would totally say hell YEAH!
And plus, an instant messaging system is private, you can only message friends, but as for the PM, its great for other people messaging you.
instant message, private takes a bit XD
IM An Instant Messaging thing on the forum's would be nice :D. Since this is a PG site, censoring bad words and phrases would be better, and a report button in case somebody is asking for personal information or saying innappropriate words and/or phrases.
Pokemon...occasionally Digimon...hehehe......keep it zipped ^.^
I owned with the Repliku card, which let's you stock 5 sets of cards, I stocked up Curaga and OWNED :D
wow. He got me thinking about the future of video gaming industries lol.