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  1. Rayku
    Profile Post

    DX NOOOO please

    DX NOOOO please
    Profile Post by Rayku for Princess Luna, Aug 26, 2009
  2. Rayku
    training helps XD
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  3. Rayku
  4. Rayku
    try putting new amour and stuff

    and remember to aim for health when you brave points are high to deal damage
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  5. Rayku
  6. Rayku

    my face

    :lolface: Your so Silly Billy
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rayku
    But we did find out why there is no more hamtaro...

    Silly Misty.
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Rayku
  9. Rayku
    Today, I was picking my daughter up at day care. She was outside playing kick ball. A red ball strangely rolls over to me, and trying to impress the kids, I kicked it over the slide. I turn around to see three crying six year olds. It was their hamster ball. FML

    :lolface: Poor Hamtaro
    Thread by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Rayku
  11. Rayku
  12. Rayku

    my face

    Oh my...

    Your very pretty...lucky me I have seen your face without the masks and such

    Post by: Rayku, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Rayku
    Meg is just a filler...

    Nobody cares for fillers
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Rayku
    This was an old story I was planning to make into a series, but Im not sure anymore...But heres the prolouge and first chapter :3 Enjoy, and CnC will be lovely


    A dark mist rose from the ocean as it lapped across the sea weathered rocks. It covered the city of Seamist like a damp blanket over the raven black sky. A small brown boat was seen leaving the dock with a child, out into the chaos of the savage sea. The boy had black matted hair across his forehead and some obscuring his eyes as he rowed out deeper into the eye of the storm. Mortimer, the small boy out at sea was on a mission, he wanted to see a legendary Pokémon.

    Schools of Goldeen and Seakings leapt in the air and back into the torrent sea, while flocks Seagulls flew away in fright of the impending storm. Mortimer was calm, though. His father was a great fisher man and taught his son well how to handle the sea during these conditions.

    “I shall find that Pokémon that all the fishermen talk about, the sea lord!” his eyes twinkled with determination as he rowed down into the middle of the storm. His mind flashed back to a story his grandmother told him when he was little.

    “These Pokémon that shaped the world what it is today are considered as myth or dead, but I have seen one of the legendaries when I was a young girl on my Pokémon journey. It was a golden bird that shone in every color you can think of!” Mortimer’s grandmother exclaimed as she saw her grandson’s awe-stricken face when he yelled out

    “Really Grandma…. How can I see one then?!” he got even closer to her chair. She looked around and got close to his face, as to give him a secret.

    “Many people say that the legendary Pokémon appear when the world is in danger, or when someone is on the brink of death.” She whispered into his ear as he smiled at these words and jumped up and down begging for more of her stories. Ever since then, Mortimer was obsessed with these Pokémon, he remembered when he looked through all the books at school and the library for just pictures to quench his curiosity…but only old tales had talked about them.

    The memory faded as some sea water hit Mortimer in his face, he spluttered and gasped for air as he looked around, and more flocks of Pokémon kept flying towards the mainland. A shadow appeared over Mortimer like a demon about to take his prey.

    He looked behind him and screamed as loud as he could. A wave that towered over him that looked like it went into the sky silenced the scream and crashed on him as he went deep into the dark and cold ocean.

    The salt water entered his sinus cavity and his mouth, cutting off his breathing. He kicked and pushed against the waves and saw the light of the surface. He broke through the filmy sea and coughed out the sea water that intruded his lungs.

    He looked around for his boat, only to see pieces smashed into oblivion. He yelled out into the sky for help, but another tall wave knocked him back down into the deep. He opened his eyes and tried to swim up to the surface again, but something was pulling his leg down. His pants had ripped and got tangled into a piece of heavy wood, and he could not reach it.

    He feverishly clawed his way up trying to the surface, but the wood was sending him to his watery grave. His eyes fluttered in and out of focus when he saw a glint of deep blue, unlike the deep and murky sea water.
    His eyes trailed the blue and found deep ruby red lines out of the deep blue mass in front of him.

    It moved closer to Mortimer as his final breath left his body, the blue mass’s fins going under his body, moving its fin towards the surface and on the shore of the beach. Mortimer’s gag reflex coughed up the water in his lungs, while a cry from the blue mass emitted from its great mouth.

    It rose down back into the water to go back into its deep slumber once again until the world needed it again. Rain drizzled down towards the earth when heavy foot falls were heard running on the damp sand.

    “MORTY! “ the yells said “ARE YOU OKAY!!” they got closer to his body and a man with a long and white beard picked him up in his arms bridal style. “He’s breathing…but he is okay…” everything was far from okay, as they would soon find out

    -10 Years Later-

    The morning sun rose from behind the hills across from Windleaf town, it was quite tranquil and serene as any small town nestled in the mountains would be when a cry rang out.

    “GET BACK HERE PRINPLUP!” a boy yelled outside his small house, his golden brown hair was flying in all directions running back and forth trying to put his wary Pokémon back in its poke ball. His trainer uniform, for people to notice that he was a trainer that was once brand new and clean, was now a dirty from the dirt he collected from his missed catches.

    The Prinplup was snickering while his trainer, Rayku tried hard to get him inside his ball.

    “You had no problem before until NOW!” Rayku yelled as he sneaked attack the Pokémon from behind and finally held onto its blue body.

    Rayku laughed as he took out his poke ball and the beam of red light engulfed the Pokémon’s body and disappeared inside the ball. Rayku got up and dusted off his pants and jacket and walked back inside his house were his mom awaited him inside with her hands on her hips, clearly annoyed.

    “Did you have to wake up the whole town with your antics, Ray?” she said as she took out his traveling bag from the closet and passed it to him over the counter top. Her face softens as she looked at him up and down.

    “Well, blame Prinplup for the ruckus he made.” He laughed but stopped when he heard his mother hiccup. Her face were full of tears and Rayku ran towards her and said in a panicked voice

    “What’s wrong Mom?!” he touched her but she shook her head, her tears spraying on him as she gasped

    “It’s just you look like dad when he was on his journey….you’re the splitting image of him.” She laughed as she picked up her handkerchief and dabbed her tears off her face.

    Rayku became a bit sad, his father had left him and his mom alone for quite a long time for an unknown reason, and he just fell off the face of the earth. Rayku’s mother turned around and gasped at the clock saying

    “You better go meet Mrs. Willow and Luxon, your 15 minutes late Ray!” Rayku got up from his seat and ran towards the door, bag in hand. He jumped off the porch and approached his shiny bike and mounted on it and started peddling north to the Willow’s home on top of the hill. Rayku turned his head and yelled with a wide smile.

    “Bye mom, LOVE YOU!” he waved with one hand and she waved back to him, and he kept on peddling on north when his mom was out of sight. The trees were swaying in the light breeze going around the town and Rayku enjoyed this small delight.

    The road was winding down to a small path up a hill towards a big mansion filled with Pokémon of all kinds. The Willows owned a mansion filled with Pokémon to help people with special needs, like disabilities and if the elderly need help.

    They have many other houses like this all over the world too, but this is the main branch here in the Godai Region.
    Rayku had finally stopped his bike in front of the Willows Mansion and got off. The wind picked up and he punched his fist into the air and exclaimed.

    Thread by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Rayku
    But I likey cheesy...

    Its the best :3
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  16. Rayku
    Dont worry bro, me too >_< its killing me too.
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  17. Rayku

    I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes to sleep
    I feel the weight of you pressing down on the bed, and my eyes open in a flutter
    Your hair, as bright as golden rays of the sunshine, which dance inside my mind
    Brown eyes, which stare into my soul and find every secret and tombs that have been lost in the sands of time
    Your ruby red lips feverishly make me to do more than touch you…

    Soft touches from your hands makes my body go numb and freeze me in a bind for you to use me…
    Your laugh makes my heart fill with joy...
    Until I reach to kiss you, ready to receive more
    I wake up from my dream and cry knowing you will never be at my bedside anymore.
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Archives
  18. Rayku
    Yeah, he/she does not D :
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Rayku
    I had my speakers on max...and my mom walked by X___X
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Rayku
    BTW Love Hina is the first Spoiler tag picture

    AirGear is the second one :3
    Post by: Rayku, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone