your welcome, and uhh Tifa???
yup yup yup, your welcome..xD
It was a ttypo. I meant to say "day" instead of "dad". When I say that I started laughing. I was like "Oh, my gosh. I did not just say that" xD lmao
Oh, yea. ok.. I'll have it for you as soon as I can. The latest will be tomorrow, but you will get it...xD
Did you get bitten by that boy in your avvi tavvi? :/8D:
Oh, nice... lol like my new avvi? xD Im working on a sig pic right know...xD
Playing with photoshop. . ? Nice! xD Well, my day is just about to end so nothing really xD Thanks for asking! <3
I was just kidding xD Your so gullible...xD lmao
Well, tell me when you think of something...xD <3
Yea, so whats been up with you. xD lol
Whatever you can think of...xD
Im not a homie? O.o Im a girl!
Wait wha?? Are you calling me stupid! DX You are so mean! JK I 'kidd xD
Im doing great. Excited and proud of myself really xD
Yea, but I hardly go on it anymore. And it sucks cuz im so stupid, I dont know how to upload vids on here :lolface:
ILY2. Haha, lol. Do you want me to make an avvi tavvi for you? xD
No, you helped well...xD But aside from this "buisness" stuff.. How are you xD
Haha, right. lol xD
Not much, just making avvi and trying out the sigs...xD lol I think I found a new obsession...xD lmao I 'kidd
It does look like alot...I only used 2 images...xD Haha, lol. ok and thanks...xD