Well, is that a good thing? xD Just finished my new avvi tavvi now its.... RIKUS TURN!!! xD
Aww, thats a big step...
kk, ill get started on it right away..xD So, whats up? xD
o.O (great grammer) Yes, indeed. Get the game. Its so fun. xD I love the first one but the second one has more stickers and costumes and objects to make a level with...xD
young droplet- ??? o.O
young droplet- *narrows her eyes at him, making sure hes not dangerous* >_>
Hey Fayt, can I ask you something?
Well, not yet cuz I didnt know how you wanted it. I didnt get to ask you those questions yester day. Do you want one like ians and terras but with...
lol, sure one of Sora. well look at Ians avvi I made it..Do you want one like that but with Sora?
Tifa- Kaiiiriiii... :( young droplet- *just looks at Terra blankly*
NM, really making sigs and avvis and pro pics is all... You?
[IMG] I think you might want to add more, like text or something. Or, I can re do the characters location but, this is all I got so far..
ok, I was just being random again...xD lol
Haha, lmao..xD I planned it last ngiht. Terra said he wouldnt do it cuz Wolfie would get mad. But I said she wouldnt know unless you reported...
That sounds exciting...xD lmao, you sound angry..
your so cute when your bored Soooo...xD Whats new? xD
lol, I made it to comstumly fit your avvi to 150 x 150...lol...xD But, im glad you love it <3
Oh. . .my. . .gosh. That was a good first chapter..xD I hope you are planning to write more because that was great.xD
Nothing, much..xD [spoiler] xD