So, like I reade everything but do I give yu the sign up thing?
xD So, whats up?
yea, probably. Well, thanks Fayt. :)
Can I please join your zombie roleplay? I love zombies...xD
I dont know, my dad doent want me to download anymore stuff onto the computer.. :.-.:
yes it works....
young droplet- o.O uhmm......???
yes it works...xD
your posting the same video over and over xD
Oh, okk. I didnt know where it would go...xD Thanks <3
Do you have to download it? :.-.:
yea cuz its being echoed...xD lol
Ily? :<3:
Ohkay then, I have nothing good :.-.: Huh, gotta ask my dad when he gets back next week to update this thing...
huh, I never heard them back wards but I know what "wonk uoy neht noitceffa deen i" means. It actually means "I need more affection then you know" xD
Well, when the computer crashed it brought everything down. The only thing I really have on here is photoimpression 3. Do you think that might work?
Until I update photoshop I used paint, a very low useless program but I still decided to give it a shot.
Hey hey :imslow:
[IMG] I wanted your opinion on this avi I made...
Ally peered around in Night World. Hmm, she thought to herself. I wonder where everyone is. Night World used to be lively and very friendly- she looked around. No its all dead and practically isolated. Ally's head dropped and she remembered why Naomi was upset about now. Its been this way for ages, thats why they dont know how to react when they communicate with one of their kind. Then she jolted back to the wall, at the speed of light. (Naomi has trained her well to use her vampire capabilites. Whose there! She called out. The mysterious person remained well hidden from Ali. Its ok, I wont hurt you. Said the voice of a teenage boy. Im not dangerous.