Yes(my teacher) Have you ever thought what it would be like if existence ceased to continue or if we live out a matrix?
Yes, Have you ever got laid?
Does cannabillism count? Have you ever wanted to Kill the post/mail man?
^ Coconut < P****d off at Royal Mail v Bannana Phone
Is a poof, kay?
I'm a lvl. -1 George Bush Jr.
^*Stabs again* Who said you could get high with me? <*Slowly starts to eat KM* v Nothing to see here folks, move along.
^ Likes Microsoft *stabs KM* < Is high v Will get high with me...
Has nobody that smokes in his AV
^I like potatoes? <Likes potatoes vWill overcome the tyranic rule of the evil Microsoft *Hissssss....*
A boxer-dog holding a keyblade in its mouth, I don't know why but it's the first thing to pop into my head so....
Is confused about his/her(both?) sexuality?
Dont have it ) ; Have you ever killed somebody with broccoli before?
Likes cockneys
Is the Hunny Monster
Is not a gummi ship junkie
Is NOT going to be being eaten by me
Is one of Micheal Jacksons slaves
Yes, I had one this morning(well it felt like one anyway) Have you ever died?
NO! Bacon is a (succulent) class A drug which can kill you from: A)A taste explosion. B)Obesity