type in answer to life, the universe and everything on google Google said 42
NOOOOOOOooooooo.......(Its Silent Hill) Has problems, deal with it
Batman lives in GOTHAM city, NOT new york
Geordies 4 life High five!
Is YET ANOTHER axel follower
Search on youtube Traverse Town Rock
Is somebody who I haven't stalked... yet.
You hate me? *sniff* I hate ( read;DESPISE) the gay kids at school who STALK me, its very scary.
I would steal YOU!
5'11" and I'm 13, YAY*Trips over a wee little kid*
I tink' I'll be hard
Yes, I lead a somewhat "interasting" life Have you ever feared for your life?
^ Never sleeps < If I dont get GTA IV tomorrow, I WILL KILL THE POSTMAN!!! v Is also angered for some reason or another.
Yes, and I'm a male Have you ever witnessed a suicide?
Now I have.... Have you ever past out?
yessum, Have you ever turned emo/goth?
*smashes the cookie and consumes the china* ....wait a minute?
Yes, Have you ever made random sex noises in the middle of a test?(Guilty as charged)
Yes, I'm weird XD Have you ever seen anything paranormal? Ò_Ó
Yes Have you ever been snogged?