A wtf?error, what is that?
You've got a pimped out quote, damn right.
*starts singing(run for your life)*Why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends?
^Fellow serial killer <Is an otherworldly being, like an all-knowing bean spirit vfears the bean spirits
I was diagnosed with A-typical autism 4-5 yr ago. And I am a gifted artist, YAY FOR ART! And the quiz is a LIAR because it said I'm neurotypical.
^Ish correct. <Ish not a moogle (at this present time). vIs err... Xert maybe?
Is a teenage girl, aged 16. Is currently ill. Plays piano and video-games. Likes kairi, singing and salty peanuts. Has an addiction to kingdom hearts.
^Do you like waffles? <dæd vYeah we like waffles.
What 'bout amy.
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN... or at-least gimme some pie?
I blame you for impregnating my sandwich.
I did dress as him once *cries* When you think the world is a rubix cube.
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring, Banana Phone.
The film tried to stay away from the church, the northern lights/golden compass book however...
Became a girly boy at a young age...
REPTAR!!! Stop posting disturbing, off-putting pictures of yourself on a website that children use, okay?
CAN THAT PHOTO JUST DIE When you believe you can control reality with the uber-awsome-super-special-master-sock.
You know YOU ARE INSANE when you are ME, Hu-hu ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha....
Grab a shotgun and in an Arnie Swartsneger tell them to "Git aaout(get out)".
,eip ekil uoy od ?opuk