Don't you know forum admin. Bleh!
Tacos, Pita bread.....Super Robot hyper monkeys?
Your a girl so.... Chocolate?
^The rep isn't much of a struggle <Tired v1000100110100010111001000110010001001101000101110010001100100010011010001011100100011001000100110100010111001000110010001001101000101110010001100
^No. <LIAR! vSomebody/Thingy-majig
^Sorry 'bout the allergy thing,I wasn't thinking anyways Yes, slight. <Confuddled vDÆD or soon to be...
Sorry but I don't feel sympathetic, My simplistic mind can't cope with anything at the minute never mind feeling sympathy.
I've got a jar of dirt, ^I've got a jar of dirt, <I've got a jar of dirt, vAnd guess whats inside it?
Because it isn't as bad as calling a transvestite manly
I blame you for People killing, people dying...
Hmm...... Maybe, er... BAMBI!
*Shoots Axel FTW and eats his BRAINS* Aww, they don't taste anything like cookies...
LIES, LIES, LIEEEESSSSssss II blame you for the creation of kamakaze watermellon.
I've never seen sweeny todd Oh the crippling, heartbreaking shame of it, NOOOOOooooooo......
I blame YOU for not having a job!
Should I put her in the cookie oven and murderise her? It means that there will be more cookies.
Good look....*(Thinks how long it will take to make prem.)cries.*
Whent to my friends house and had a game of guitar hero II (My first try on a GH game ever). So I finish a couple songs on easy.... Then I started to become smart-arsed and tried FreeBird on EXERT, big mistake. I can do it on expert easily now though.
I've had 'bout 30....honest