whould u like to start?
yup and mkay im working on a theme deck
oh ya!!! but yul have to be paciente i dont have any cards made XD
hey jaden whould u like to dual?
ya lol im bored
ok i got it now lol
mkay ill test it [IMG]
hmm how do i post a pic?
*smiles a bit* np man i knew your a big yugioh plaer so i made it but idk if u can use it its kinda evil hmm...
...well thats 2 reasons to stay now... btw did u get the card?
sigh i have and ive decided to come back in half a year or so u can read all about it here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=96636
sigh becuse alot of pepole here realy dont want me here...i realy dont blame them
sya mike...im leaveing the site...nice knowing u
i meant in real i know she dosent get on anymore
sigh its finaly happend miss ctr http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=96636