Lol. That might be a personal problem €.€
Awh!!! Your PM box is full. . . D: I just VM you?
Wanna dance with no pants on Hala! Meet me in the back with the Jack and the jukebox Lets cut to the chase Kid cuz I know you dont care what my middle name is I wanna be naked man your wasted. . . . Sorry, it is legitimately stuck in my head :.-.:
"But you just broke my iPod! How can you replace it? Rewind time? *slumps down shoulders again* *whispers* I'm sorry. *looks down*
*puts arms in jacket pockets. Looks down* *mumbles* Whatever. . .
*looks down* *says nothing but flips through songs* -Why did I have to be forgotten? I wouldnt have been here in the first place- "So, hows the game going?"
*looks up* You really think that , that is going to stop me? *takes out phone, turns on music and puts in jacket pocket* Never underestimate humans. You should know that Shinigami Ryuk.
I dont about you gus but uhh, I was born to be sexy <3 <lol soo late xD>
You do?? 8D
Oh hi? O.o Lol, and thank you. :)
the hell bro
Hello there. . .
Anytime :-)
Ok seriously WTF? 10 whole minutes of balls being bounced around and moaning. . . Lol
Yea, no thanks. . .
Ok. .
Yea, it would have been to obvious if it was him
Yea, I already knew that. Lol, I just wanted to see who was a man enough to come clean first :3 Thank you for your cooperation
Haha, yea. He already told me, soo, wanna try again?
The Hero of Time had something to do with this right? Be honest and everything will go smoothly.