I see, I see.
Wait what? I was talking about the drug. What page are you on?? o.O
I googled it to make sure! EDIT: Nevermind, I spelt it wrong.
That doesnt make any sense. . . O.o
This thread is like his personal brand of heroin. . .
Fixed that for you. . . :3 Im also scared. . . O.o
Whoa whoa whoa! What the fluff? O.o Mr. Britishism is like. . . Crazy?
*stands up* What now?
It wi not let me change the thread name. . . .-.
I apologize. I shall think of something.
I was seriously going to make a damn thread about this band. I fell completely in love with this band when I was searching on On Demand and came across their song Fallen Angels. All I had to see was that one music video and Andy Biersacks eyes. Oh my god. I heard of them in 2011. Its already 2012 and my craziness for then didnt go down a bit. But Machina, I will not lie to you when I say this. If you listen to the lyrics and fall into their music, its like your eyes open up and you see the world in a different percpective.
I have heard Thousand Foot Krutch is an alright band. I have heard them on 89X radio station, but really disnt get into their music.
I now have no idea where this thread is going. . . . €.€
I-I dont know what to say. . . I feel like I just watched a form of rape. . .
Same difference. They made a movie about it. It was in black and white. Thats how old it was. But I now see what you were saying. . .
Ohh!! That movie. Welp, you couldve just said the original Sleeping Beauty. I never did like that movie personally.
Yea, her inner blond made her touch a spinning wheel then she slept through the whole movie and ended up getting to marry the fricking prince. Disney encourages laziness. . .
Heyy, I signed up for your Infected RP
OC sheet for a Donor ~ User Name: NYAN CAT =^_^= Character Name: Molli Age: 16 Apperence: Spoiler Blood Type: O , RH positive History: Molli was born in a rough household. Her mother was an alcoholic and drug-abuser. She had died when Molli was only 6. After her mother had died, her father had abused her and left multiple bruises and scars on her. When the infection went viral, Molli snuck out and left home after her father was acting weird. After hiding away in abandoned houses and almost nearing death by the disease, Molli managed to make it to safety were she had stayed for the past two years
Amy shiffted uncomfortabley. "Uhhuh. Look, I gotta go take care or something. My hair is all discombobulated." Amy nods and starts off to the restroom to fix her hair and make-up. 'That women looked as if she would belong in the Amityville Horror. I knew these people looked suspicious but, wow, thats just too much.' Amy thought as she entered the bathroom and locked to door.