Um.... o.o Bye!
Um.... Okay!
Nope. I was just really tired and didn't know how to respond for it.
*noms cookies*
Its 9 AM here.... COOKIE PARTY!!!
nm.... You?
'Kay! I'll add you!
Okay.... Hey guys!
Gutta go! Bye!
Ouch.... GRAH! *throws gun at Ollie*
Boo people!
hmm *aim's at me* hihi
*aims at Ollie* HI! ,*hic°* Hm... Berserk and drunk izn't a good thing.....
Gah! *goes berserk and starts shooting around crazily*
Lilly bumped in to Luna. "Hiii Luna!" "Where were you?" "I was hanging out with some guys. And guess what?!" "Listen. We have to go home." Luna said coldly "But!" "Come on." Lilly watched Luna walk away. A tear dropped on her face. "Just because some stupid guy dumped you, you don't have to be mean to me!" Luna turned her head to Lilly. "I'm not even close to mean." Lilly started running away from Luna. She was sick of her. Why was she like that? Yeah some boy dumped him, so what? She should just move on with her life. But if Lilly would try to tell her that, she would just yell at her. Something like "You don't know anything!" or "Leave me alone!"
That's nice :)
Good for you....
Yeah. I'm ok.... You?
A date? Um.... Well.... I don't really know what to say.... Bye!
*is still very tired* Date?