^.^ .
Hey ya fan peepz!... Eh....
Brownies rock! :glomp:
Thanks :) *gives pie to be nice*
nm. You?
Ooc: Its morning now! Bic: Luna got up from her bed. She walked to the kitchen and took out some cereal.
'Ello peepz!
Yes. Its me! Hiii!
Floorball? Cool....
Ok. School thing or just for fun?
Hey! :glomp:
Hey guys!
Ooh! That's Nice! :)
Avy: 8 Sig: 9 :D It has really cool colors and its not too bright
I'm okay. Some girls in my class were really annoying, but I got to say "Go to hell" to them :D And I cant speak for the rest of the castle....
Hey!!! :glomp: