What ever I'm gonna check just incase *he said and went back into the hospital and spyed on L and the others* He's worrying too much *Rikka thaught*
I'm not a demon though...I just have these powers
Yah...I help anyone who needs it...I hate seeing cats in need it makes me feel bad *Rain walked passed the door of the old lady and looked in to see some cats in there eating* even they get fead...who cares I've lived this long without anyone who says I need help now
Np...so I'm guessing thats me added??
(xDDD) ok then hop in Rikka walked round the other side of the taxi and got in Should I make sure we don't get followed She shook her head
Nope *she smiled* anyway we better finish of this food
*she held out her had and shouted Taxi* *a taxi pulled up* where too miss's *the dricer asked* What's the hotel called again *Rikka asked*
yah *she nodded* I'll go grab a taxi
yah hopefuly...just you know about Kira and all that right?
Just a group that were at the hotel and that are now here
Ok then Hay those people form the hotel are here look * Shirube said pointing to L and the others* *Rikka looked over and noticed them*
OOC back ^^ Do you need to get anything?
OOC brb tea
I don't mind honest
*She walked out of the door* should I go grab a taxi?
yah...ok *she said*
I'm sorry to hear that...yah I'll come with you *she said walking over to terri
Oh nothing sorry...just got talking to this girl
ok after all this we can go help you look for him