that is true...but you arn't normaly that easily distracted by me
Yah we should know
Cool I actuly distracted somebody
Sorry *she said looking down ashimed of herself*
Anyway *she said taking her arm from aound him* surffing *she smiled*
I did but seeing you alive again I kinda forgot *she said rubbing the back of her head* Sorry
For making us have to open the doors again
See better now *she said kissing him again on the cheek*
Yah...The heat *she mockingly putting her arm around his shoulder* Its ok to blush you know
Your blushing *she teased*
*Larxene nodded then lent over to Demyx and kissed him on the cheek* thanks Demy
*Larxene also picked up her board*
Ok *Kairi said* Sorry Sora
I know but I want to help
I'm making sure he dosn't follow her...she's kinda paronoid We'll be there in a moment as long as the traffic is not too bad *the driver said*
No...I was just born with them
ok...but you still sure you want to go it alone? why are them cats there...I mean arn't they part of the free collors? *Rain asked himself. He srugged his shoulders and walked on*
Errrm just wondering...what do we do for fun around here
...Kairi? Kai...oh yah that new girl that came to the island the night of that storm *Roxas appered from a corner of darkeness* What are you tw- *he said then looked at the nine year old Sora* what the hell happend to Sora
let me guess you think you can destroy the earth with a watch?...but thanks for helping us