O...oh...great now she's gonna tell him Maybe she won't tell OOC errrm Rikka is in the bathroom talking to Niya in the bathroom while everyone else is in the waiting room of the hospital
Wow...would you like to go find him?
a book called the death note can cause deaths to any name wrote in it and those with death notes get a shinigami that had owned it before hence the fact Shirube is my shinigami But I'm not on her side or L's side...I'm sure you've heard of L
finaly...now back to the great senery
I don't know were the doors are so I'll have to follow you three
So do you need all of us?
I think so
We have to unlock two doors
Oh...so you don't know where he is
His name-*Rikka started* Is shirube *he interupted* you see Rikka dosn't want people knowing about me Because of all these murder insidences *she argued* your not causing them *he argued back* I could be accused of causing them
Riku and me made a deal with Xert so we could bring you back
Huh...oh yah...Do you need all three of us?
Here *she said then she went into her pocket and ripped a bit of paper out of the Death note but kept it hidden. She held out the peace of paper to Niya* take it I'll get ready *Shirube said as he flew behind Rikka*
Yep...mind you I was on the streets for a good 2 years before I joined
Yah *she said letting go of Sora*
I would of chose me over you...Oh sorry but your mums also really really worried about you
I hate having to be locked up in a house and having to come back every single hour or so...So I only come back every two months or so
there is not now can you leave me alone Naughty Rikka *Shirube laughed* Shut it now opps big mastake...she knows I'm here just make her poromas not to tell anyone about me Fine *she turned to Niya* you promas to keep this quiet How are you gonna show me her
I was upset that I never saved you
Oh see what you mean *He said noticeing he was getting older*