:D where is my ty for getting some ppl to pay attention to this rp? xD
OOC: x_x im bakish from long time stuff BIC: *Koian gets bored easily and looks up* *her eyes turn a normal bright red as she goes normal only with her wings out* Thats better... v-v *Koian, flapping her wings, thinks for a moment in the air in the middle of the park* Hmmmm.... *she doesnt know others are near her*
*Koian kept going in circles not getting dizzy, then she spoted a boy or man* *she looks at him with curious eyes* *She thought to herself for a moment then let out a loud CAWWWWW sound* CAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW *everyone heard it in town, again*
lol i know xD
*as Koian/Wolf finishes the howl, she looks around and runs out of the alleyway to the park* Now what.. *she thinks to herself* *she stops at the gate to the park* Great..... *she thinks as she sees the gate is closed and locked* *Koian looks around to see if anyone is around* Good no one is around yet... *she thinks as she starts to change into a wolf-human form* *Then into a Human, after she gets to that form she starts to form into a Raven-Human like form* *Her eyes flash a teal color* *as she goes into Raven form* *she looks around then hops up and takes off* Weeeeeeeeeeee *she thinks to hide the fact she is not a good lander as a Raven* *she circles in the sky for a while, keeping watch over everything*
*Koian Looks up at the full moon in the sky* Ehhhh.... *as her eyes turn yellow as she forms into a wolf-human shape* *then turns into a wolf shape* *Koian looks around then howls loudly as the whole town hears her* Whooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok thx good idea
ooc-Oh v_v *gives puppy dog eyes* D=
ooc- Ok..... xD I guess ill also be LArxene since she is open and such xD
*Koian wakes up in the middles of the night and looks around* Hmmmm..........
Ehhh i love the idea of starting soon xD
:O U guys can start RPing now! x.x
User Name: ~Larxene_43 Charcter's Name: Koian Sikame Abilitys:Controls Darkness and can also turn into a black raven or wolf. Picture: Weapons: 2x Long Katana's, Kunais, and a gun named Hades. Des. : Has 2 raven/demon wings on back and horns hiding under her hat, she most of the time hides her wings but shows them off sometimes to get what she wants. Alinement: Netural, She is devilish but can do something good once in awhile.
Hmmmmm k..
OOC- Sorry i wwas on vacation now im back Ehhhhhh..... Well.... *She stops her sentence stairing at the 2* Uhhhh.... Ok if hiding wont ill just do this.. *as she says this she extends her wings out above them all* Thats MUCH better! *She slides out 1 of her Long Katanas and slices at teh ceiling* *the ceiling breaks into tiny peices that fall to the floor not harming Koian* *as she flaps them she raises up and the wind bets down on the 2* See ya! *as Koian flies off infront of the moon then flies back to the alley* *at the Alley she lands safely hiding her wings* Hmmmm those two were different.. *sits aginst wall and falls asleep with her katana away*
Ehhhhh i guess i will also take Namine xP with Larxene
occ- Sorry Vacation x_x no time for comp. but im back As Koian wonders around a empty street lined by houses.
:O Ok Ill be Larxene and sorry i was on vacation x_x
Ok 1 sec and sorry i was on vacation X_X
*Walks out of the bar room laughing with hands behind back* ^_^ *sees the person standing there at the door of the cafe* O_O Dang...