Koian Growled at him louder because he called her that. ooc- Im eating so i may be afk or go offline
'I have to growl at him or he will think it is me!' She looks around then looks at him in the eyes and growl at him as she bares her fangs.
'Great he knows its me...' As she turns to the animal cages and walks to them. She raises her paw as shadows form long dark claws on her paw. She swips at the cages. As all the cages break and the animals escape.
Koian wonders where to now. ''What now? Im here But idk where to go now..''
Koian turned and looked at Rikku and Vash as they entered, Koians wolf form shadow came back to her.
Koian slowly ate her food. Then suddenly she got a idea. Koian smiled evily as she got up and left teh food court. She went to the bathroom and saw no one was in it. Her eyes turned yellow then she shifted into a human-wolf form, then into a wolf form. Dark aura surronded her as she ran off on 4 feet to the pet store. When she got there everyone looked her in shock. She growled at them, they all ran out and the employee began to run to the phone for animal control. Her wolf shadow got bigger and it went at the employee and clawed the employee down to the ground. All the people where gone when the employee ran out for him/hers life.
Koian got onto a escalater and went to the 2nd floor where she found the food court. ''Food....'' She said to herself licking her lips. She got to the food court cashier. ''Ill like a Salad with a Water. Please.'' Koian says to the cashier. ''Ok!'' The cashier replys. 3 minutes later i got my food and sat down.
After shoping there she spent $100 dollars on 20 Pairs of Purple or Black Shoes. Koain walked out with 3 big bags and started to go to the Weapon shop. She entered and bought 1 Posion Katana instead of 2 because she spent all her money on shoes. ''I have enough for food at the food court i guess..'' She says to herself as she leaves the store.
Koian ran to the mall where they had a weapon shop of Floor 5. Koian entered the mall and walked to the escalaters. She kept going up until she got to 5th floor. But before she got to the weapon shop she saw the Shoe shop. "Shoes..... Shoes..Oh My God Shoes...'' She said as she walked to the Shoe shop. The song Shoes played in the store. She shoped for shoes for a long time.
Koian wondered what to buy first with all of her money. Then it hit her. 'A new Katana would be nice with posion on it!' She though happily.
Koian sneaks over to a coffee shop and buys a coffee. 'TeeHee' She thinks to herself. Koian walks by a old man and purposely spills her coffee on his jacket he had on. ''Im so sorry!'' She says lying and taking his coat. ''Let me clean this!'' She says in a hurry voice, looking though his coat pockets and taking his wallet secretly. ''My...My... the young are so clumsy these days.'' The old man says. Koian handed him his coat back and ran off with his wallet. When Koian got to a safe Alley she opened it and found $250 dollars. Koian eyes widen and she toke it out and put it into her wallet. ''Jackpot!'' She yells happily. She walks off leaving his wallet on the floor of the alley.
Koian walked out of her small apartment backyard and onto the sidewalk. She opened her wallet and saw only $3.35. Koian felt bad about her poor wallet. ''Either i get a job... or i pick pocket a bit.'' She said to herself.
Koian began to walk to her apartment but then she got a idea. ''Why didnt i think of that before!'' She said hitting her forehead. Koian jumped up into the air and let her wings come out. She flapped them and flew home. She landed by her back door and let her wings hide again. She unlocked the door and steped in placing her book on the table and left again locking it.
Koian looked at them, then shruged. ''Ill be right back i need to go get some stuff.'' She says as she jumps off onto a car then onto another one. Then she jumped off on the other side of the street. Walking away to a Libary nearby. As Koian entered a bell rang and the Libarian behind the desk said to Koian, ''Why hello there Miki, Nice to see u. You need another book?'' ''Yes, I need on the passage of the Underworld and Heaven.'' She said smileing about her fake name. Koian Uses a fake info and such at the libary so she can take a book but never return it. The Libarian got up and grabed a book from a shelf behind her. ''This should do.'' Koian toke the book and smiled. ''Thank You'' She said exiting the Libary and puting the book in her bag.
Koian looks at Vash, eye widen. ''Well i guess tahts not so shocking.'' She over hear the news and his laughter. ''Whats so funny?'' She ingures him confused. ooc- Ok.
Koian Looks at Vash, then gets a sad face. ''Is it all because I joined the group?'' She inqured sadly.
Koian Smiles at them. ''Thx! and i over heard someone say the mall.'' She says happily.
koian kept standing there waiting to see what will happen. 'Ill just wait?' She thinks.
Koian Blankly stands here looking at the group huddled. 'Whats that all about?' She thinks to herself. ooc- Lol opps... i edited it xD
Koian looked around in wonder of teh town.