Four. Yea... dont ruin the fun x[
:O 1! GASP! and nice pick in the Riku Replica Repliku xD
Ohhhh ill join in! Fifty!
Rawr! xD .... Hi *pounces on u* xD
ok Bye! xD
Im good yet bored (i hate that)
Hey! :] Only 1 person i know is online >_<
lol me 2 but i have to wait for host to add
Koian looked around as she heard a big boom. ''Ohhhhh another game!'' Koian said excited and ran up a building and blured to where she foudn the others. ''Whats going on?'' She asked looking at the person standing in the distance. ''Whos that?'' She asked again to them.
Angel went to the front desk and asked, ''May i enroll here?'' The lady at teh front desk looked at her. '' Of course you may.'' She smiled at Angel. Angel smiled back and filled out a sheet the lady gave her. Angel gave it back. ''Ok your all set. Here is ur classes.'' The lady handed her a list. ''1st one is Weeker's Class. Down the hall to the right.'' The lady lastly said. ''Thx!'' Angel said running off.
lol its ok. xD
Koian looked to the floor ashamed of herself. Im such an idiot... and what notebook? It must had done something to do with Japan and Tyoko.. Not America at all. Koian thought as she just sat there in shame. She didnt say anything, nothing at all.
o_o they are.. Grade 5 and Grade 5
Kairi, Namine, and Larxene plz! Kairi is Gryffindoor Year 5. Namine Ravenclaw Grade 5. and Larxene Slytherin Grade 5. :D
''Lure? Luren is easy when u have someone form their group.'' She said patting the knocked out boy. Koian places him down for everyone to see.
''What?'' She asks like she has no clue. ooc- btw g2g make sure it doesnt go up 4 pages x_x when i get online again
Koian walks up to Reji and the others. ''Soooo Have u guys been busy like me?'' She inqured to them all.
As the boy fired 3 more bullets at her. As koian blocks 2 in a spin motion then dodge the last. She ran up fast to him as she apears behind him. Hitting her gun on his neck hard. As he falls to the floor knocked out. Koian spins her Hades back into her pant side gun holder. ''Hmmmm...'' She says as she picks up his body carrying it out of the ware house on her sholders. She walks back to the mall. She sees the others. ''Ohhhh Hey guys!'' She yells waving with her 1 free hand.
The boy glared at Koian. ''And im sure ur Koian..'' He said pulling out a gun. Koian eyes flashed as she put her Katana up. But pulled out her gun hades. Hades was made of a special metal that could block and knock out anyone if hit right. ''Well this may be fun..'' She said Happily yet firm. The boy raised his gun at her then pulled the triger. Koian lifted her hand and swiped the bullet away with her gun's big part at the end. The bullet bounced off. ''Easy.'' Koian said simply.
Koian looked behind her to see a boy sitting on a wodden box. ''Ehhh..'' Koian said as she pushed her katana up alittle from her hilt. ''Are u unknown?'' Koian asked firmly as her eyes flashed red and turned yellow. They shaped as cat eyes by now. ''Yes i am..'' The boy answered.