Sorry Sora is taken but Riku isnt (i like Riku better than Sora) xP
Hmmmmmm.... Bored.. I KNOW! *runs off to the Cafe* Tee Hee! >:] *my eyes flash red as i take off my hat and show my wings* This will be fun... *sees there is people in the Cafe* *walks to the Cafe door and i pull it open and walk in* RAWRRRR!!!!!! *i yell as i show off my wings and horns* *my eyes flash a bright red* *all the people in the Cafe see me and scream* *they run out like a scared cat dropped in water* x] *as soon i see everyone is gone i walk to the bar they have* HAHAHA FREE MILK!!! (she loves milk like a cat) *she hops onto the bar and slides to the other side* Hmmmm... *pulls out a glass milk bottle* ^_^ *she pops it open and chungs it down* Yummm! *as she chungs her milk down more she hides her wings* *as she finishes her milk she puts her hat back on*
Ok go ahead when u can x] ill just add to begining
Uhhhhhhh Sure.... xP
Hi x] Name: Koian Sikame Age: 14 Gender: Female Apperence:
Namine and Larxene PLZ! x] I know im late on the joining but Tee Hee
Opps sorry ill do that now x.x
Ok ill put u up as them :D
Uhhhh how many ppl u have?
Ok 1 sec please Ok 1 sec plz x.x entering 2 ppl's
Lol Thx xP
Ok and up to 3 so ur good ^_^ Soon as we get atleast a few org members and Sora Kairi Riku we can start
Namine Plz! :D And Name: Koian Sikame Age:14 Weapon: 2x Long Katanas, Kunais, Hades (Gun). World: Destiny Island/Twilight Town Powers: Darkness and the ability to turn into a Wolf & a Raven. Bio: Was born on Destiny Island but 2 months later born was stolen from her parents and taken to Twilight Town. She was left by the stranger who taken her. 1 week later a woman named: Laxene found her and toke her in. She was trained hand to hand combat when 8. Soon she contained the power she has now. She usally hides her large Raven wings and her Demon horns. Pic: (She hides her Wings and horns)
Lol K but ill keep teachers as it is K ur in as Roxas
Hey guys, This is basicly about The Organization XIII thought that they needed ''New'' Members. So Demyx said to Mansex(Xemnas) That they should make a school for new nobodies to learn how to be in the org. xP And Demyx may have gave him a cookie to get him to agree(lol) Just Kidding. And so Orgy High (best i thought of) was made. BUT of course Sora and everyone will go to this school to see what they up to. xP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. No God-Mod 2. No Yaoi/Yuri 3. PG-13 or below ONLY 4. No Random Killing 5. To kill you must get promision from me and that person first. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Sora- ArchAwesomeman Riku- The Fifth Element Kairi- Spunk Ransom Roxas- ArchAwesomeman Namine- ~Larxene_43 Leon- theonly9one Cloud- TwilightBlader Yuffie- Maria Hayner- Pence- Olette- sora n roxas rock Organization XIII: Xemnas/Principal- TwilightBlader Xigbar/Gym Teacher- Xaldin/Recess Overlooker- Maria Vexen/Science Teacher- Lexaeus/Drama Teacher- Zexion/Math/Reading Teacher- sora n roxas rock Saix/Co. Princpal- theonly9one Axel/Cook- Demyx/Music/Band Teacher- theonly9one Luxord/Libarian- Marluxia/Social Studies Teacher- Larxene/Art Teacher- ~Larxene_43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Form: Played By: Name: Age: Type(Nobodies, Human, Or Heartless): Pic: Weapons: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know the Story Line is not as good as the others BUT i hope in the future i can make better!
Can i be Angel :] xP
*Hiding her Wings and horns under a hat, Koian walks along a narrow road* Hmmmm... *she looks around at the houses on the sides* I wonder why no ones here... *all lights in the houses and street lights are off*
Resume: Name: Koian Sikame Species: Demon Power: Darkness & The ability to turn into a wolf and a raven. Pic: Wepons:2x Long Katanas & Kunais Thats the only person ill make x]
Hahahaha *points and laughs at the sand castle* :D IM SO HAPPY!!! *skips on teh beach* *destroys all the sand castles* ^_^